Chapter 9: Returning Home

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Tris's POV:
I wake up and look at the clock it reads 9:00am.  I start to gently shake Tobias awake by. He wakes up and leans in and plants a kiss on my lips, of course I kiss back. But I pull back shortly after.
(Tobias is in bold)
" mmmhhh"
" wake up lets go so I can leave, hurry up tobias!"
" Okay, okay go get changed I'll go sign all your discharge papers"
"Oh yeah, Christina came and dropped off some clothes for you. There in that chair by the bathroom. "
" Okay I'll see you in a minute. Now shoo, hurry up I want to leave as soon as I can. "
I watch as Tobias leaves the room, as soon as he does I walk over and get the clothes Christina dropped off for me. She brought a big loose black shirt, soft black cotton leggings and a pair of black slip on flats. I go into the bathroom and shower, when I get out I tie my wet hair in a messy bun and slip on the clothes she bought me. When I was all put Tobias is sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. He turns his head around and walks over to me, he picks me up bridal style and kisses me firm on my lips. I always feel safe when I'm with him no matter what.
"Ready to go Ms.Prior?" He says with a vet funny accent.
"Certainly Mr.Eaton" and I giggle.
He walk out with me in his arms and thanks the nurse. He starts to walk back to out apartment, I guess I doze off on the way home because next thing I know is Tobias stroking my cheek telling me to wake up, were home. I am so thankful for him, I don't know what I would do if I lost him. I must have zoned out , Tobias is snapping his finger in front of my face.
"Huh, what did you just say?"
"I said do you want to change and go get something to eat?"
"Sure give me one second"
I walk into our room and pull out a loose tank top and decide to keep on my legging. I change into my black short boots and head back to the living room where I left Tobias.
He hold his hand out and I willing grab it we lace our fingers together and head out. On our way we bump into Zeke. He asks how I'm doing. Fine not as sore just a little here and there. After our little conversation we start towards the cafe. Once we arrive I order a chocolate croissant and a hot chocolate, Tobias get a slice of dauntless cake and a vanilla coffee. We go find a table and talk a little until we hear our name called. Tobias goes to get our food, the cashier is trying to flirts with him and hand him a slip of paper. I feel a pang of jealousy until I see what he does. He hand her back to paper and tells her off. I fall in love with him all over again every day, more and more.  I see him come back with our food and drinks, when he sits down give h a kiss on his cheek and whisper thank you in his ear.
"Do you really think I would flirt with someone else when I have the most gorgeous, stunning, smart, brave girl right here in front of me"
"Of course not I trust you not to. I love you four"
"I love you too six"
We continue taking and eating our food. When we finish we get up and throw our trash away. He bends down and tells me to get on his back. He gives me a piggy back ride all the way back to our apartment. When we get there're decide to make the rest of the day a lazy day and watch movies. I go change into one of Tobias's shirts because their so comfy. I walk back out into the living room and see Tobias sitting on the couch with a huge bowl of popcorn and a few cans of soda. I go and sit next to him on the couch and lean my head into his chest.
"What movie should we watch?"
"I don't know, what do you suggest?"
"Hmm, how about scream"
I didn't know it was a horror movie at first, I scream and hide my face in Tobias's cheats. He pulls me in close and whispers "it's not real" in my ear. Every scary part he pulls me in close and warns me so I can look away if I want to. After 2 hours of being scarred it's 4:00pm. We go to the cafeteria to get dinner. I'm about to walk out of the door when I hear Tobias clear his throat "Missing something babe?"
I look down and realize I'm only wearing Tobias's shirt. I feel my cheeks get warm and realize I'm blushing. I quickly run back into the bed room and put on a pair of jeans and my combat boots. We walk down to dinner to meet Uriah, Christina, Shaunna, Zeke, and Lynn.
When we get there we walk over to our table and Tobias tells me he's gonna go get our food. I nod and turn back to the conversation. 5 minutes later he comes back balancing two hamburgers, two containers of fries, one cherry coke and one sprite, and two pieces of dauntless cake. He hands me a burger, fires, cherry coke, and slice of dauntless cake. I put ketchup on my burger and start eating. Christina and Uriah say they have to make an announcement. We all stop talking and give our attention to them. Then Christina sequels that  her and Uriah are now dating. I'm so happy for them. I noticed how Christina was acting a little more giddy today. I finish my burger and start to eat my fries, by this time Tobias is almost done and about to start eating his cake. I start eating my cake and Tobias is already done. After staying for 10 more minutes we all are finished and decide to go home. Christina is planning to move in with Uriah in two days, she is so excited, I haven't seen he this happy since Will. I grab Four's hand and walk out. We go back home and lay back on the couch Tobias and I go inside, I go take off my pants again since I'm wearing his shirt and he takes off his shirt and changes into sweatpants. We go back out to the living room and stick in a comedy. He lays down on the big couch and I snuggle into his chest and he pulls me closer to him. He whispers into my ear "I love you Tris."
"I love you too Tobias"
He is mine I am his, everything else might not be fine but we are. At the end of the movie he picks me up bridal style and takes me to the bedroom I go brush my teeth and go to get in bed. Tobias goes in and comes out a few minutes later. He crawls in bed with me and I lay my head on his chest. He strokes my hair and I slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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