Chapter 5: The Initiates

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Tobias POV:
Beep, beep, beep,beep uhh I try to hit the snooze but I can't find it, I end up nocking in into the wall and breaking it. I gently kiss tris on the lips to wake her up. Her eyes flutter open and she kisses back. its 7:30 tris goes and takes a quick shower then I do. She's dressed in a tight black tank top and black camo skinny jeans with her black combat boots. She puts on eyeliner and mascara then goes and sits on the couch and waits for me. I put on a tight V neck shirt with some black jeans. I walk out and tris comes up to me and tells me we're gonna be late. we run out of the room and to the net. When we get there Will and Chris yell at us for being late. We decided to keep our relationship a secret for now to see how long it takes for them to figure it out also so they take us more seriously. I suddenly hear a scream and someone hits the net. "name?" "Alexis " I look over at tris and she's giving her the death glare. Alexis is giving me googley eyes , I just glare at her. As she walking past me she whispers "hey your hot call me" then winks. I see tris and she looks like she's gonna rip her head off. "FIRST JUMPER ALEXIS" I announce. Then falls a boy he's from erudite, then another, and so on.
1. Alexis - Erudite
2. Jackson - Erudite
3. Miles - Abnegation
4. Alex - Amity
5. Chloe - Erudite
6. Dylan - Candor
7. Andrew - Abnegation
8. Vanessa - Candor
9. Shawn - Amity
10. Autumn - Amity
11. Johnny - Erudite
12. Alissa - Amity
13. April - Erudite
14. Miley - Abnegation
This year we have 14 transfers, 7 girls and 7 boys. I see some of the boys looking at Tris in a way that only in allowed to look at her.

Tris POV:
I can't stand not being able to hug or kiss Tobias whenever I want now, especially because some of the girls are looking at him like he's a piece of meat. "This is Four and I'm Six we will...." "you mean like the numbers.. that's stupid ." I walk over to him " Dylan right" he nods "if I wanted to hear you comments I would have joined candor.. first lesson to survive is KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!" I say in my instructor voice. "o-o-okkay" he stutters. I walk back over to Tobias I can tell he's holding back a smile. "All the dauntless borns go with will and Christina, all the transfers stay with us. This is the chasm, the fine line between bravery and idiocy. One jump could end your life so don't be stupid ." I could hear some girls are talking and snickering about how hot Tobias is, I mean well no shit look at him, but he's all mine. I wish we could tell the initiates so they would back the frick off!

Tobias POV:
"Okay this is the pit, you will learn to love it, this is the heart of dauntless you will spend most of your time here." "four?" I hear Alexis ask "what do you want?" "Umm four are you single?" "Yes" I say gritting through my teeth, I look over at tris she looks hurt but she understands. "This is your dorm where you will be staying during training, be in the pit at 8am sharp if you late your out."

Alexis POV:
Omg Four is so hot, I don't know why Six keeps giving my death glares it's not like there dating he said it himself. Anyway he would never date her, she looks like she's 12. She has no curves, no boobs, she's so short, and she not pretty. Me however, I have curves, I have great boobs, I'm only about 3 inches shorter than him, and I'm so pretty. I want Four, I think I'm going to ask him out. Six doesn't stand a chance against me, Four will be mine.

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