Chapter 7: Help

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Tobias POV:
I woke up and tris is gone, I went down to the kitchen to look for tris I see a note on the fridge it says
Dear Four,
I woke up early and went to the training room to set up. Sorry to scare you, I'm fine. I'll see you soon.
Love, Six XOXO
I go to the cafeteria to go get breakfast, when I get there I grab a muffin. After I'm done I head towards the training room, I don't know why tris left to come here so early we still have an hour until we have to get the initiates. I walk in and see Dylan and tris. Tris is tied to a pole and Dylan in making out with her. When tris sees me I put my finger up to my mouth to tell her not to say anything. She gives a small nod. Dylan rips off her shirt and she try's to stop him he slips off his belt and slaps her across the face, I go to lunge at him when my vision starts to go black them I'm out.
When I wake up in in a small room with bulletproof glass in the center, breaking the room in half. then I see her....Alexis.
Crap she's wanted me and hates tris I bet Dylan and her planned this together, I just hope tris will be okay.

Tris POV:
I feel the belt hit my stomach multiple times I feel a warm sticky blood running out through the cuts. "Alexis has your little boyfriend four and he's gonna have to watch whatever I do to you." Dylan says. "If you had a crush on me then why are you doing this?"
"if I can't have you no one else can either, this is basically like a face time, see that screen, well you get to see four' s reaction and he gets to see you get hurt, sound good yea okay".
Then I feel him hit me across the face again and again until I go unconscious. just before I slip though I see Tobias with tears running down his face.

Tobias POV:
Alexis walks in and try's to kiss me I act like I'm going to kiss her back but when she closes her eyes and leans in I punch her in the face then the temple and she goes unconscious. I quickly run out of the room to the training room he is still beating her with a belt but this time the belt has fishing hooks in it. I look at her and see a pool of blood where she's standing and her torn flesh. I walk up behind Dylan and punch him in the back of his head. I quickly untie my trissy and rush her to the ER. When I get there they bring out a stretcher and place her on it and rush her in for surgery. I hope tris will be okay, I need her to be okay. After 4hrs of surgery the doctor comes out with a sad expression on his face.
"Well she has many deep cuts and she will have permanent scar, She will be okay though you may go in now if you would like she is in room T46.

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