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I was sitting in the car on the way to Vidcon I was really tired I don't know how because I was super excited but every now and again I would doze off.

"ALICIA!" Tyler half yelled causing me to jump.

"What!?!" I said looking around.

"I'm boring you that much that your falling asleep?" He said turning around at a red light.

"No, I'm just tired I guess." I said yawning.

"I'll get you a coffee." He said going to Starbucks.

"I don't want a coffee." I said adjusting my flower crown.

"To bad, what kind do you want?" He said driving into the parking lot, I groaned as I got out of the car.

"I don't want one." I said walking to the bathroom to see if my hair was a mess from the car, I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror adjusting my shorts and shirt. I was wearing a black tank top with a white. flower crown on it, inside the flower crown had the words 'I'd rather have flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck' written in small white letters. I had a bright pink strapless bra underneath with light blue Jean short shorts.

Everything was still looking good so I just fixed my glasses than walked out of the bathroom to find Tyler. I saw him waiting at the door and I walked over to him about to ask him why he got me a coffee when he shoved it in my face, I took it and held it away from my face. I. Hate. Coffee.

I know what your thinking how could anyone in there right mind not like coffee, especially a basic white girl. Well I'm not your everyday basic white girl, I can't stand coffee the only coffee I like is coffee cake. When we got back to the car I put it in to cup holder and glared at it, Tyler started laughing as we drove off.

"What it do to you." He said driving towards Vidcon.

"I hate coffee." I said making a gross face and putting my hand out to block myself from the coffee. He started on asking how I didn't like coffee by time we got there he had asked me the question 20 times.

"How can you not like coffee? He said holding both. As we were walking in I saw Connor Franta walking by and I really hoped Tyler wouldn't get his attention because I knew he was obsessed with coffee. I looked at Tyler and he looked back at me smiling.

"No Tyler, please don't." I said shaking my head, He laughed and walked over to him.

"Connor!" He said giving me his coffee then pulling me with him, He turned around and walked towards us smiling.

"Hey Tyler, who's this?" He said waving to me. I waved back holding in my inner fangirl and gave Tyler his coffee back.

"This is my sister Alicia, do you want this coffee? I got it for her but she doesn't like coffee." He said grinning widely at me.

"I hate you." I said under my breath, He laughed and gave the coffee to Connor.

"How can you not like coffee?" Connor said shocked as we walked into a big room with purple lights.

"I don't know?" I said shrugging.

"But it's so... so..."

"Frantastic." Tyler said cutting off Connor, Tyler turned to him.

"It's very frantastic." He said walking over to some chairs.

"Connor." I heard Ricky Dillon call out. Connor turned around and saw Ricky motioning to come over to a group of people.

"Bye guys, See you later." He said walking over to them.

"I'm happy he didn't ask a lot of questions." I said pushing Tyler slightly.

"Whatever, let's go find the Brits." He said looking around.

"Where are we?" I said looking around the room and saw Zoë waving to us, I smiled and waved back.

"We're in the green room." He said as we walked to the group of brits.

"It's not even green!" I said confused looking around the purple dimly lit room. I'm really surprised I haven't died and this is heaven.

Tyler's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now