Saccone Jolys

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I picked Eduardo up before the waves could hit his shoes and Emilia ran back laughing as the waves got near her her little shoes. I put Eduardo down then heard Jonathan calling my name, I turned around and saw him pointing a camera at me. I made a funny face then waved, I turned around and saw a wave coming so I picked up both Emilia and Eduardo while running back up the beach. Everyone was laughing as I put down Emilia and Eduardo and collapsed on the ground.

"I think...I just...had a heart attack." I said as everyone slowly stopped laughing at my pain.

"At least you didn't fall and get wet." Zoë said as she held her chest. I sat up and saw Eduardo eating sand and I quickly opened up his hand and got all the sand out then attempted to get it out of his mouth. He just started chewing it and I grabbed my small bag and pulled out candy.

"Can he have this?" I said showing Anna the candy.

"He should be fine." Anna said back to me as I turned back to Eduardo.

"I'll give you candy of you spit out all the sand." I said waving the candy around as he spit out the sand and I gave him the candy. Emilia came over to me and held her hands out.

"Can I have a sweet, please?" She said smiling adorably, I awed at her cute face and gave her the candy. I lightly pinched her cheeks and she batted away my hands. Everyone awed at us, I turned to them.

"What?" I said confused, they just smiled.

"You're going to be a great mother when your older." Jonathan said as Eduardo went to go sit with her.

"I think that Zoë and Alfie would be awesome parents." I said as Anna and Jonathan agreed. I took my small water bottle out of my bag and started drinking it.

"I think Alicia and Tyde would be good parents." Alfie said as I choked on the water and spit it out away from everyone. I quickly turned my head to him, with an 'Are you serious face'

"We're only teenagers!" I said trying to stop coughing, he just shrugged and Emilia pointed to the pier next to us.

"Can we go on the rides now?" She said as she came over and sat next to me. Jonathan got up and helped Anna up while I caught my breath and got up. Zoë and Alfie were walking with Eduardo a few steps ahead of us. I took a picture of them and posted it to every social media I had with the caption 'the perfect family' I shut off my phone and caught up to everyone waiting for them to find out. My phone buzzed and I took it out of my purse and checked it. Anna had posted a picture of them both holding hands with Eduardo with the caption '@aliciaoakley I think I found the cutest family.' I giggled.

"Yes." I said out loud, I quickly covered my mouth then saw that nobody noticed. As we walked on the pier I immediately wanted to go to the arcade and play air hockey.

"So what first?" Zoë said as we all stoped by the entrance together.

"Lets go to the arcade first, then we can make our way down." I said as they shook their head in agreement, we walked to the arcade and it felt so weird to be there because I already knew where most of the games were. I watched the all of the vlogs going to the pier, now I feel like a really big stalker.

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