Cuddling with Tyde

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After we had got to our rooms we heard a knock at our door, Tyler opened it and I saw the Mellet boys walk in the door. I waved as I went over to the little room that had a couch, tv, a big chair, a few squishy chairs, and a coffee table. I turned on the tv and looked for a remote as the boys walked into the room.

"What are you doing." Tyler said laughing as he sat down on the couch, I huffed in frustration.

"I can't find the tv remote." I said as I tried pushing Tyler over to see if it was under him. They all started laughing and I stopped and looked around. "What?" I said as looked at them in confusion as Tyde passed me the remote.

"Where was it?!?" I said as I plopped down on the big chair next to Tyler in defeat.

"It was on the coffee table." He said sitting next to me as I covered my mouth as I started to yawn.

"I'm too tired for this." I said as Tyler laughed, I gave him a scowl as he just kept laughing.

"You do this all the time!" Tyler said as I hit him on the shoulder.

"Shut up." I said as I searched through the channels, Troye sat down in the chair next to us as he looked up at the screen. I put it on Modern Family and we all sat quietly watching it occasionally laughing. After two episodes I was already falling asleep that's how tired I was. I think everyone was slightly jet lagged from our plane rides, which is why we were so quiet. Tyde yawned and stretched his arms out then put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

I saw Tyler and Troye looking at us then each other then trying not to laugh at how cheesy it was, I kicked Tyler in the leg and he immediately stopped smiling knowing that he got caught. I snuggled up against Tyde's chest as I started to fall asleep, I saw Tyde also falling asleep and by the end of the third episode we were asleep.

I was woken up by someone knocking on the door I peeked open my eyes and saw Troye and Tyler walking to the door. I looked around and saw that Tyde and I had both ended up laying down in the chair, and somehow now we have a blanket. I turned around and looked up at Tyde and he was now wide awake and looked as if he was deciding on wether or not to wake me up. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping wanting to see what happens, I felt him move and I moved pretending to start to wake up. He automatically stopped moving and I felt him shrug, I peeked opened my eyes to see Tyler mouthing to Tyde if someone can come in. I don't know what he said but I saw Zalfie and Jasper walk in, I quickly closed my eyes and waited to see what would happen next.

"LACE-" Casper was cut of mid scream by Tyde, Tyler, and Troye shushing him. I heard awes and I knew it's as everyone made it into the room. I thought it was a good time to wake up so I pretended to act like I just woke up and rubbed my eyes. Tyde moved his arm and all of his body heat went away and I became really cold. I shuttered and quickly grabbed the blanket we had used but it was to small so I ran to the bedroom. I grabbed the blanket on my bead and wrapped it around me and ran back into the room and ended up tripping on the blanket and falling face first onto the ground.

"Are you ok?" Everyone said as they rushed over to me I saw a few of them trying not to laugh especially Tyler who red from holding his breath. Zoë helped unroll me from the blanket as Tyde helped me up and checked to see if I was ok, Tyler and I both started bursted out laughing as the rest of them look at us like we had two heads. After a few seconds we all were laughing so hard we were crying, I grabbed my stomach it hurt so much. I wiped my eyes as the laughter died down.

"I...can't...breathe!" I said as I slowly stopped laughing still crying and holding my stomach.

"For some reason when you fell I started hearing, 'when your legs don't work like they used to before.' Then I couldn't keep it in anymore." Tyler said wiping his eyes as the rest of us laughed at him. I put my hand up to my head because my head started to hurt probably because I hit it and because I started laughing so hard.

"I was so worried then when you started laughing, I started laughing." Alfie said as sat down on the couch. After we had all calmed down and were sitting down I went into the kitchen where Zoë was getting a glass of water.

"Zoë my head hurts." I said as I held my hand up to it, she went into the bathroom and got me a washcloth and wet it down. She squeezed all of the water out of it the held it to my head.

"Does that help?" She said softly as I shook my head yes, she smiled then let go of the washcloth and I held it up. She walked me to the bedroom and I layed down on the one farthest away from the door, she went into the living room and grabbed my blanket and brought it back to me.

"Thanks Zoë" I said as I curled up into a ball, she smiled and told me it was no problem.

"Just have a rest and I'll go tell the boys."

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