A week?

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"That was something." Tyler said laughing as I took off my hood and fixing my hair that looked crazy, i just gave up and put my hood back on and Tyde laughed and patted my head. I smiled and the crowd awed, Tyler and Troye looked confused as i covered my face. I cant do anything with Tyde without blushing, I need help.

"Oh, by the way thanks Tyde for earlier. I've never seen Alicia so red." He said laughing as the crowd laughed with him.

"I think you'd like it better if it was Troye." I said back as Tyde gave me a high five, Tyler just turned red as Troye just covered his face.

"ROASTED!" Someone yelled from the crowd and i died laughing.

At the airport

I hugged Tyde tightly as I took in his sent for the last time in awhile.

"I miss you already." He said as I tried not to cry as I squeezed him tighter.

"We have to talk at least once a week on the phone or Skype." I said as a few tears trickled down my face into his shirt, leaving a wet mark as I moved pulled away from him.

"I promise i will text you everyday and call you once a week." He said as Troye was hugging Tyler, I grabbed my carrion and walked to the plane with Tyler as we got to our seats I put in my headphones and blasted my music falling asleep as Tyler just sat there looking sad.

At the California Airport

As we got off the plane I grabbed my stuff and walked slowly out of the plane with Tyler both of us looking sad. Tyler tapped me on the shoulder as we got to the places where people could buy food and go to the bathroom.

"I'm going to the bathroom stay right here He said trying to be more cheerful, I smiled lightly and looked around as I saw a I girl about Tyler's height with big curly hair bouncing around the airport in a pair shorts and a TRXYE shirt she cut into a tee shirt with a plaid shirt wrapped around her waist. Tyler walked out of the bathroom with a perfect quiff and I ran over to the girl hugging her from behind.

"Alicia!" Tyler yelled as he grabbed our stuff and slowly made his way over.

"Oh my gosh, I really needed you to be here. I miss him already!" I said crying into her shirt as she turned around so that we could hug fully.

"I knew that was going to happen." She said hugging me tightly, I stopped crying than I thought popped into my head and I started smiling and moved away from her.

"Your here!" I said laughing as she laughed and gave me a hug, picking me up in the process.

"I know, you need me.So I had to be here." She said letting me go, I smiled I've been trying to make her come out of her little room full of Fandoms and actually talk to people and now she can meet Tyler. That means we can have sleepovers at my house now, because I really want her to be able to help me decorate it. I'm so off track right now.

"Your finally going to meet Tyler so now we can have sleepovers at my house and you can help me decor-"

"Wait what?" She said scared, I smiled and grabbed her arm pulling her to Tyler who was struggling with our stuff. I let go of her then realized she's wearing Troye's shirt, I coughed and pointed to her shirt. She hit her self in the head and, took off her plaid shirt from her waist and put it over her shirt and buttoned it up.

"Hi you must be Jasmine." Tyler said putting down all of the luggage and opened his arms. She just stood there so I pushed her and he laughed giving her a big huge as she slowly hugged back.

"Hey Jaz, you ok?" I said smiling, as she shook her head. Tyler laughed and hugged her tighter.

"Girl can I just tell you, that you look fabulous today." Tyler said as Jasmine squeaked and I pulled her away from him going on my tippy toes and hugging her.

"Tyler are you trying to kill her!" I said as he laughed.

At the Oakley house

After I got out all my tears and sadness with Jasmine, we were blasting music just jumping around and screaming on the top of our lungs to the music.

"Alicia, we do have neighbors." Tyler yelled from the door we turned down the music and started talking about random things.

"So is there anyone you like." I said smiling as she turned red.

"Maybe." She said covering her face giggling.

"Who?!?" I said jumping up and sitting next to her.

"Liam." She said giggling as my eyes widened and I started squealing hugging her.

"Oh my gosh, I SHIP IT SO HARD" I said as she covered my mouth, I licked it and she quickly moved it and wiped it on me.

"Hush, I may have forgot to tell you something when you where gone." She said as she looked kinda scared but excited at the same time.

"What did you do?" I said angry as she whispered something. "Huh?"

"We have been dating for about a week now." She said quietly, I jumped on top of her and put my hands around her neck.

"Are you kidding me, a week!" I said as she laughed and pushed me off her.

"You were busy!" She said laughing as I tried to keep a straight mad face while staring at her with my arms crossed, she went up to me and booped my nose.

"Oh come on, I'm trying to be mad at you!" I said giggling as I dropped my arms.

"Impossible." She said bopping my nose again.


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