18. Insecurities

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Erin's POV

The rest of the group are coming back from Playlist tomorrow and I'm nervous to see Dan. This wasn't the only thing playing on my mind. I was standing in front of my mirror looking at my body and I hated what I saw. I felt fat, ugly even though Belle wold always told me that's not true and I was perfect. She's an amazing best friend. I went to the bathroom and got out my blades that I never threw away. I looked at them and held one to my wrist. "Promise me you wont do it again?"  I promised Dan I can't break that. I threw the blades and flushed them down the toilet. I'm not going back to that I told myself. I got changed into a sports bra from Pink, Nike shorts and sneakers, grey Nike top and put my hair into a high ponytail then grabbed my water, headphones and phone then left for the gym. (Outfit at top of page made by me)

I worked out for 2 hours then stood at the side taking a sip of my water. I saw myself in the mirror which was inspiration to carry on. I carried on working out. I checked the clock and I had been working out for 4 hours including breaks. I went home and took a shower and changed into shorts and a t-shirt and got some pasta for dinner and was sat writing emails when there was a knock at my door.  I answered it and there stood Dan smiling slightly. I found my self smiling back and he took a step closer I was about to say something when he pulled me into the tightest hug possible. I hugged him back.

"Okay, Dan I can't breathe." I said chuckling.

"Oops sorry." He said  I walked in to my apartment followed by Dan.

"Sorry I look like a slob by the way I just got back from the gym." I said remembering how bad I must look.

"No, you look great." Dan said smiling at the lie.

"Look, I'm sorry about leaving but I knew that I would ruin the rest of your holiday if you had to see me." I admitted.

"No, I shouldn't have stormed off without letting you explain." Dan said

"Equal?" I asked

"Equal." Dan agreed.

"Have you got plans tonight?" Dan asked.

"Nope." I said.

"Movie night?"

"Sounds good." I said.

I made Dan and I a drink and we both sat on the sofa. We decided to watch the Ring and I grabbed a blanket and offered Dan half. I have to admit I was terrified. I jumped all the time and Dan slowly but not very subtlety put his arm around my shoulder. Every time I jumped his arm would hold me tighter and pull me closer to him until my head was on his shoulder. When that film finished I went to get food from the kitchen and I came back with Maltesers.

"YES!" he said when he saw them.

"Calm down, Dan." I said laughing at him. I handed him the box and he took a few and handed the box to me.

"No thanks." I said.

"Don't you like them?!" Dan asked looking shocked.

"I love them." I said.

"So have some." Dan said.

"I burnt off calories at the gym I don't want to put them back on." I admitted.

"Erin. You're amazing. You're beautiful just the way you are." Dan said and put his fingers under my chin to lift my head so I was looking in his eyes the he leant in and pressed his soft lips onto mine causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach and my skin to tingle here he touched me.

A/N Woooooooooooooo Derin!!!!!!! So yeah they kissed and even though I'm not very good at writing it was cute in my head haha.  Let me know what you think :) Vote and comment if you would like to :D

If you want to talk about any of the things I talked about in this chapter let me know because I have been through it xx

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