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I miss you so much

But I can't tell you that

You moved on long ago

You fell for her

I miss your skin

I miss the lunches on the balcony

Me sitting in your lap

After school for hours never wanting to leave each other's arms

The only studying we did during those hours were each other's eyes

That one night that still sticks with me forever

You on the floor while my hair was being done

When we tried to catch the popcorn being throw back and forth

The dance, how beautiful you were that night

The kiss that left me craving more and more

That night as I pulled out bobby pins one by one as you laughed

The kiss before we fell asleep...

The next day I never got a kiss goodbye

Months after still finding popcorn on my floor, praying it was the last one... It never was

Then I found you with her

The girl who I knew years ago was trouble

You fell for her of course

Eventually I won you over but you never stayed

Alway chasing after what I couldn't give

Then you fell for HER

The end of the line for me

The one who made sure I felt every single hit

It was over for us but I will never forget you

That blue lace shirt that was your favorite of mine lying on my dresser never to be worn again

The bracelet that once held your heart still resting in my jewelry box

The bear you gave me still next to my bed

All the memories of us haunt me at night as I wander the house

Not just the house

Every turn in that damn school holds a memory

When I glance at my hip I see the scar I left in your memory

The biggest one I have is in your name

Just so I remember how much I loved the pain of your love

I will always be haunted by your love but I'm okay with that

Because your ghost is all I have left of you

And I will take that over having nothing

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