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You don't understand

At least I don't think you do

You say you're my best friend

But never seem to talk to me

I understand

You're busy living the high life

And you've moved onto some other girl

But I still love you

I'm not one to chase someone after I know for sure they moved on

But damn I can't get through a day with out you popping into my head

Maybe it's just Mary taking over

You always did like her

Because she made me confident

And you seemed to love that

This other guy? I was just trying to get you jealous

I don't think it worked

I sometimes mistake him for you and almost say something stupid

I wish we at least messaged each other

So I can rant to you

Knowing you would turn me into a mess of giggles by the end of it

I still text you

Hoping you'll see it and text back

You never seem too though...

It breaks my heart as I sit here

Blaring the songs you've sent me over the years

"It's times like these"

Is it?

Cause right now I'm dying for just a message saying goodnight or sorry I'm busy

Just something

I hate it when I sit logged into my Xbox account for hours

And every sound of someone going online

I jump at hoping its you

Maybe you'll see I'm online and call me


You never do

I must seem out of my mind

But you reached that conclusion years ago

"I don't dance"

I don't either but there I was still there in your arms

That time when we were in class and the sub told us to stop holding hands

When I had asked you to help me zip my binder

I didn't need help I just wanted you to look at me

We looked up at each other and protested

"If you say you're going to leave for brighter days"

I cringe at this one

Did you leave me for something better?

I can't stand to hear that

I always thought we would last

The nights we wasted just talking about our dream house

I could picture it with every detail

What about



"I saw goodbye in her eyes"

I ended things thinking it would help you

I didn't want to waste your time

I wasn't as strong as you

I cared about everything too much so I let go

"And it was all alright, now it's all all wrong"

These lyrics...

These are the ones that crush me

They explain this so well

It is all wrong

It really is...

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