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We have so little time left

Soon we will be trusted to go on our own

Live alone in this world full of darkness

A world run by lust and greed

Why would anyone want to live out there

Happiness is just a illusion  in this age

Minds infested with depression

Our logo "Not good enough"

Fake smiles

Plastic body's

When we enter this world we are already crying

We know what is to come

Or hearts will be broken

We will lose our loved ones without a proper goodbye

We will see others be ripped apart

Many will end their life's not knowing if it will ever get better

People will try to comfort themselves with a corrupt story of religion

A false hope that after life things will be greater

We are told we must be something worth value in the end

Without money we are nothing to the world

Just a body, taking up space

Nothing in this world is ever enough

So tell me

Why must I go?

Why must I leave this nest?

You know how unforgiving life is, you can't say it's better for me out there

You can't...

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