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I find it amusing that I still stay in this world

So much is telling me to just get up and leave

Just end this suffering

Yet I stay

I stay, bite my lip and close my eyes

Knowing tomorrow is just another day

I'll wake up and fake every feeling

Every smile

Then go to my room and sit in a ball

Ill stay there for hours just thinking

Is it worth it? Is it worth fighting or not?

These days I don't believe it is

The loss of blood down the drain

The tears on my pillow

My shaking breath

It all screams no

I had the idea to tell you the truth

How I was falling apart and you didn't respond

These games you play with my mind are too much for me to handle

I avoid you to give you the space you seem to be asking for

But then you say you didn't want me to go

I'm so confused

If I left it would hurt you

But I'm sure you will find someone worth your time

I'm not worth the struggle

Not worth anyone's time

I just take from people

You want to know how I really feel?

You aren't strong enough for that

You would worry and try to help

But you deserve to smile and be happy

Even if that is at my expense

Ignorance is bliss right?

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