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Should I just wait?

Should I just let you say it first?

What do I do?

I want us so badly

But only if you want it too

If I am not "The one"

Then just tell me please

We can forget about this and I will learn

Learn to hold my tongue

Learn to move on

Learn to see you as just my friend

And nothing more

You just need to say it

I'll hold my breath

And fight back tears but I do not care about my happiness

Yours comes first

Best friends will do that for each other

I will no longer spend my time focused on you

I will wait for another if that is your wish

There's bound to be someone who with hold me in their arms

At 3 in the morning when my heart is breaking

And my pillow is stained with tears

When I just want to give up

When I want to go home though "home" doesn't exist

Maybe we can make a home

My home could be your arms

My pillow would be your chest

And my heart will be healing

You'll say "I love you"

And I will fight this war knowing you have my back

I won't give up

Maybe it's all possible with you...

Maybe we can make it work

We can have a beautiful wedding

Our family's will be there

We'll fall asleep that night under the stars

We'll wake up and smile knowing it wasn't just a dream

Build that house we've dreamt about for so long

Have those two beautiful children

Tell them we met so young and how we beat the world

We'll have a few drinks when things get rough

We'll fight and scream

But then make up like we always do...

We'll grow old and laugh knowing we beat the odds

We did it...

Maybe that'll be us!

Then again maybe it won't

Thats up to you

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