Chapter 6

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George led me outside towards his car. He hadn't told me where we were going, so I was looking forward to what was coming! 

"You're gonna have to put a blindfold on okay?" He said 

"Um..okay. You're just making me nervous, you know that right?!" I said, smiling nervously 

"Trust me Lil." Was all George said, before handing me the blindfold. I slipped it over my bun, and sat down in the passenger seat in George's car. 

"Where are we going George?" I asked him 

"It's a surprise! I wouldn't have made you wear the blindfold if I wanted you to know where we were going would I silly!" He said. I couldn't see him, but I could tell he was grinning. 

"Ugh fine!" I slumped back into the seat. I hated surprises, they very rarely turned out well, especially for me. I could hear George pull out of the parking space, and drive away from the coffee shop. I dread to think what people on the streets thought George was doing with me. Ew, I can't even think about it. Ew ew ew!

-George's POV-

Whilst Lil was sat there, in the passengers seat, I couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was. Her bright blue eyes, her perfect smile, her gorgeous dimples, ugh. She was perfect. And I could never have her..

-Lil's POV-

"We're nearly here, you'll be pleased to know." I could hear the smirk in his voice. I'd been moaning for what felt like the last 2 hours, and I knew George was getting fed up of me. 

"Good" I joked. I had to admit, I kinda enjoyed not knowing where we were going. Y'know, the adrenaline rush... 

It felt like another 5 minutes before we arrived, and I could smell the sea! 

"We're here!" George grinned 

"Can I take the blindfold off now?" I impatiently asked 

"Nuh-uh, not yet!" He teased, opening the door and getting out of the car. I heard the passenger door open, and George gently tugged on my arm, pulling me out the door. 

I could feel that it was a nice day, with the sun shining on my bare arms and face, and no wind at all.  

"Okay, you can take your blindfold off in 3..." He left an annoyingly long pause "2..." And again "1...okay!" I ripped off the blindfold, pulling a bit if my hair out as well. But you know what, i didn't care. Wherever we were, it was gorgeous! 

"George, I, wow." Was all I managed to get out of my mouth. I was honestly speechless. 

"Do you like it?" George asked, nervously 

"No, george," he looked sad almost "I love it! It's beautiful! How did you find this place?!" I asked  

"Phew! Well, I found it a while ago, when I just needed to clear my head a bit y'know" I do know, so I nodded, "yeah, well, I went for a drive and I kinda bumped into this place down here!" 

It honestly was the most amazing place id ever seen! We were in some sort of cave, down by the sea, on the beach. And I don't mean the horrible dark caves, I mean the beautiful caves, that have little salt crystals all over the walls so it makes it seem like the cave's sparkling! It really was an outstanding site. The blue sea looked so warm, and the sun was blaring down onto the sand.  

Wait, we can't still be in bristol?! 

"George, where are we?" I asked curiously 

"I honestly have no idea," he giggled  

"Then how did you know which way to go to get here?!" I asked, shocked  

"Well, I come here whenever I can really, so I sorta know it by heart I guess!" 

"Wow" was all I could say 

"You're the first person I've brought here with me though.." He said so quietly, but i managed to hear him 

"What? Me? But-" 

"Yes, you Lil!" He smiled 

"But what about all those girlfriends that you've had? You haven't taken any of them down here?!" I asked, extremely shocked this time 

"I've never had a girlfriend" he said, so quietly I barely heard him. I didn't say anything. Just stared at his gorgeous face, wondering why he's never been in a relationship before? Surely he has girls falling at his feet all the time? 


"Lil, I promise ill tell you later okay? Can we just enjoy the beach?" George smiled at me, almost sadly, but I brushed it off. I did want to go and swim in that sea! 

"But I have no spare clothes george!" I said 

"I have towels in the car." He said simply, before pulling me to my feet and running along the sand toward the warm sea. He didn't hesitate before running in, getting soaked instantly! Me, however, I was a little more cautious. But then I thought 'YOLO'. Okay no I didn't because that's stupid but anyway, I basically joined George in the sea.

We had great fun, splashing and swimming around, until I noticed it was starting to get dark. SHIT! I was supposed I be back by 6 for mum's birthday.. 

"George..what's the time?" I asked, shivering slightly 

"You're cold? Come on, I'll go get you a towel." He said, pulling me out the sea with him 

"No George, I'm fine, but what's the time?" I asked, as we got back to the cave. 

"Uhm, half five, why?"  

"Shit.." I muttered under my breath 

"Lil?" George asked, concern written all over his face 

"Well, it's my mums birthday today, and the only way she'd let me go out today, was if I was back by 6 so we can celebrate..." I said quietly. We only had half an hour to get back. "How long did it take to get here george?" I asked  

"Um..3 hours.." He whispered  

"Crap" was all I said, before plonking myself onto the sand, and wrapping a towel around my shoulders. Mum was going to hate me. 

"Why don't I call your mum, and explain why you're going to be late?" George suggested  

"I don't think that's going to help much, but okay.." I said, defeated. There really wasn't any point to be honest, mum would hate me either way..

**A/N hey guys! Thank you or helping me reach my goal again!


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With The Taste Of Your Lips I'm On A Royde (A George Shelley/Union J Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now