Chapter 11

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We finished break, and I sent a quick text to George asking him how he was, before checking my timetable to see which lesson I had next. Drama, my favourite lesson! 

"So bitch, we've got drama together" someone said from behind me 

"Listen Destiny, leave Lil alone-"  

"JJ, it's okay, I can handle her" I interrupted him 

"Well, you better not come anywhere near me, or there'll be trouble okay?" She warned me 

"Why would I come anywhere near you anyway?!" I replied  

"Because, well you know, I'm irresistible" she said, with a completely straight face 

"Pfft, listen, I don't like you, JJ doesn't like you, Josh doesn't like you, and I can guarantee that most of this school doesn't like you, so just piss off okay?!"  

"Argh!" She walked off, flicking her hair off her shoulder. She turned around, and said "I'll get you Lil, just you wait" and then stormed off again. 

Lil: 2  Fake bitch: 0

"Oh my god you're amazing" josh praised me as I turned back around 

"Oh why thank you, I do try" I said in a posh accent. Josh and JJ both burst out laughing, before someone tapped them on the shoulder 

"JAYMI!" they both shouted, giving him a 'man hug'. 

"Ahem..." I coughed, interrupting their bromance  "

Oh sorry... lil this is Jaymi, Jaymi this is Lil" Josh introduced us 

"Hey babe!" Jaymi pulled me into a hug 

"He's gay" JJ whispered into my ear and winked. Yay, I always wanted a best friend.. 

"They all say that!" Jaymi said to me.  

"Shit, did I just say that out loud?!" I said, blushing 

"awh it's okay!" Jaymi reassured me 

"Anyway, we know Lil has drama..." Josh said, smirking at me "but I have english, and JJ has RE, so you're gonna be by yourself, sorry" josh said  

"Urm, no, she'll be with me!" Jaymi grinned 

"Yay!" I said, glad I wasn't going to be alone 

"Oh my god, Jaymi's hilarious in drama Lil, you'll have great fun!" JJ grinned 

"Oh okay!" I giggled 


"Well, we'll meet here at lunch okay?" Josh and JJ hugged me goodbye, before heading off towards their lessons.

*5 minutes later*

"So, this is drama!" Jaymi smiled. I could see Destiny glaring at me out of the corner of my eye

"What's her problem?" Jaymi whispered, pointing at Destiny 

"Oh nothing, she just needs to grow up" I said, loud enough so she could here 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Lil, you don't wanna get on the wrong side of Des" Jaymi warned me

"Oh it's okay, I've already been on her wrong side twice today.." I smiled filling Jaymi in on the details 

"Oh my god. Are you some Wonder Woman or something?! No-ones ever done that to the Queen D before!" 

"Well, I always knew I was amazing" I giggled, flicking my hair off my shoulder, mocking Destiny. She growled at me, before storming off into the drama room. 

With The Taste Of Your Lips I'm On A Royde (A George Shelley/Union J Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now