Chapter 24

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-Jess' POV-

Me, Lottie and Daisy were sitting in the car waiting for Lil to finish 'getting ready'. We all new she was just sat in her bedroom panicking about how today will go. She doesn't need to panick though, our plan will make sure everything goes well...

"Where the hell is she?!" Daisy groaned. We'd been sat in here for fifteen minutes now, and still no sign of Lil.

"I'll go and find her" Lottie said, opening the car door and stepping out. A few minutes later she came back with a very nervous looking Lil trailing behind her.

"There she is!" I laughed

"Sorry" Lil muttered, before sliding into the back seat.

"TO JOSH'S!" I shouted, starting the car.

"TO JOSH'S" everyone else repeated with grins on their faces. Everyone, except Lil..

*40 minutes later*

Why oh why does Josh live so far away? We just had to spend a forty minute car journey listening to Lil going on about how scared and worried she was that George would never want to speak to her again. Surely it should be her that never wants to speak to George again? Eh, who knows what goes on in that girls head.

"Finally" Daisy moaned, making Lottie giggle.

I stepped out of the car, everyone else following me, and knocked on Josh's door. Olly answered.

"Hey girls!" He grinned, pulling us all in for a group hug.

"Hey Olly, but, um, would you mind letting go now? I can't breath" Lottie choked out

"Sorry!" Olly apologised, instantly letting go, bless him.

"Anyway, where's everyone else?" I asked Olly, giving him 'the look'. All the boys, except George, know about our plan, so Olly understands what I mean.

"Oh, they're just upstairs waking George up" He smiled. Good, the plan was plan. Jaymi, JJ and Josh were supposed to wake George up and tell him that Jaymi had been texting me, and we were going to bring Lil over here with us, so her and George could sort out whatever was going on between them. but they weren't going to tell George the whole story..mwahahaha. Sorry..

"He's not up yet?" Daisy asked, trying to keep the conversation going, so Lil didn't ask too many questions.

"Hangover" Olly winked "Would you girls like anything to drink?" he asked, taking the topic of conversation completely away from George, just like we had told him to.

You're probably thinking we're not being very nice friends by making up this 'plan' and not telling Lil or George anything about it. We're only doing what any good friends would do, help a friend in need. We're just doing it the more fun way!

*5 minutes later*

Olly had just finished making us cups of tea, when Jaymi came down the stairs.

"Where's the paracetamol?" Jaymi asked

"In that cupboard there" I pointed "How's George?" I asked, giving Jaymi the same look as I gave Olly

"Hung over, he should be down soon..oh and Lil, don't worry if you're not ready to talk to him yet, we're not gonna force you" Jaymi said, winking at me when Lil wasn't looking.

*20 minutes later*

George came down ten minutes ago, and no one had said anything to anyone..this was awkward. I think it's time to put the plan into action.

"Right, well we should probably two obviously aren't going to talk to each other any time soon.." I said, making Lil and George look incredibly guilty.

With The Taste Of Your Lips I'm On A Royde (A George Shelley/Union J Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now