Chapter 14

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The first week of school went by quite quickly considering, well, considering I was at school! It's the weekend now, and as usual, I've got nothing to do. I've been texting the boys, Jess and Beth, but that's it really...its two days until my phone gets taken off me, so I might as well make the most of it! 

Suddenly, a text came through on my phone. 

'J-J-J-Josh:' (yes, he changed his name in my phone so it sounds like Jessie J) 'hey lil! I know you're not allowed to see George for another week, but would you like to come somewhere with me, the boys, and Jess? We can pretend George won't be there, so your mum won't find out;) x' 

'L-L-L-Lil:' (okay, it doesn't have the same effect, but he wanted us to match - yep, he's that weird) 'I'd love to! Thank you, I've just been sat on my bum not really doing much aha;) my mums out this weekend, but I HAVE to be back on time. Just ask George to explain! What time? x' 

He replied almost instantly  

'J-J-J-Josh: Me and George will come and pick you up in 2 hours! x' 

I didn't bother replying, just chucked my phone down on the sofa, and went to go and get some breakfast. It's only 8, so I don't know what we'll be doing that can start at 10 in the morning?! 

I made myself some toast with strawberry jam and went to sit on the sofa - again - and eat my breakfast.  

I got a bit distracted watching Jeremy Kyle, so I only had an hour left to get ready before George and Josh came to pick me up! I ran upstairs as quick as I could, which only took me 10 seconds, but that's not the point, and found something to wear. 

I quickly curled my hair, not really knowing what else to do seeing as no one had told me where we were going, and applied some foundation and mascara. 

Soon enough, there was a light tap on the door. I ran downstairs, picking up my bag with my phone and purse in it on the way, and answered the door. 

"George!" I grinned, giving him a hug. 

"Hey lil!" He replied, also grinning. 

"Where are we going?!" I asked him as he led me towards Josh's car. 

"You'll have to wait and see" Josh called out the window 

"Ugh, I hate surprises!" I moaned  

"Oh shut up you party pooper" Josh grinned 

"Um, sorry, but I find that extremely rude." I pretended 

"Sorry mum" Josh replied 

"No Josh. I don't think sorry is good enough this time, go and sit on the naughty step" I played along. I could hear George giggling next to me, so I glanced over at him, to see his eyes already on me. He continued staring at me, so I took this as my chance to fully take in his features..his beautiful cheekbones, amazing deep brown eyes, perfect smile- 

"Ahem" Josh awkwardly coughed from the drivers seat. "If you two lovebirds have finished eye fucking each other..." He smirked, making me blush, badly. "WE'RE HERE!!" Josh shouted, making me jump. I could tell he was excited 

"The theme park?!" I asked, grinning 

"Yup" George smiled, popping the p. 

"I LOVE THEME PARKS OHMYGOD!" I screamed, maybe a little too loudly, seeing as we were only in a small car... 

"Ouch" George and Josh said in unison  

", where's Jess and the boys?" I asked, still grinning 

"Well, we may be a tad early..." Josh explained 

"How early?" I smirked 

"Maybe, 2 hours..." George replied 

With The Taste Of Your Lips I'm On A Royde (A George Shelley/Union J Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now