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I moved around my newly furnished apartment thinking about how blessed I was. Months ago I didn't think I would be here to see another day, but God has plans for ya girl. I sat on my sofa waiting for Drew to get here. I could here in his voice that something was wrong. I just hoped that it was nothing serious going on. I grabbed my phone taking a couple of goofy selfies just because I was in a good place. I was finally happy.

Seconds later Drew walked through the door looking fine as fine could be. He had on some sweats and a black tee with his Chicago bulls snap-back. As usual J's graced his feet. He walked over to me laying his keys and phone on the coffee table.

"Wassup sexy?" He asked as he sat down pulling my legs into his lap.

"That's what I should be asking you. What's going on with you?" I stared at him to gage his facial expression.

"Nothing really. I'm just tired been doing a lot of running."

I looked at him for a long moment and there was so many things that I didn't know about him yet I felt like I knew everything about him. One thing that I always wondered about was his parents and how come he had so much money. If I asked about his parents he would get all weird on me like they were top secret or something.

"Drew can I ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me."

"What's on your mind?" He rubbed my calves.

"What's the deal with your parents? I mean like why don't you ever talk about them and do they even know that you are dating someone?"

Drew paused in rubbing my legs. It was like I asked I had said something that I shouldn't have by the look on his face. For a long moment he didn't say anything. Hell I didn't think that he was going to say anything for a minute.

"Ky, they know I am dating you and my parents are not up for discussion. I really don't want to talk about them."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? They know about me, but yet you have never mentioned that did nor have you said anything about me meeting them. What is it that you are ashamed of a the girl that come from a fucked up background?" I moved my legs from his lap.

Drew blew out a frustrated breath. "Ky don't do this. I didn't come over here for this. I came over here to be with my girl and to just relax. I have a lot on my plate right now." He leaned up bracing his elbows on his knees.

"Don't do what Drew? Don't be honest and keep it real. Let's face it I know that I'm not the ideal girl that your parents would approve of because I don't come from money and I don't wear the finest clothes, but what makes me different is the fact that I love me and I have a heart as well as brains. Not only that I don't give a damn about how much money you have or what kind of car you drive. All I care about is you, not what you have. That should mean a lot, but I guess it doesn't" I stood leaving him there to digest what I had just said.

I laid across my bed thinking how dumb can he be. I wasn't a ho and didn't ask for shit from him or nobody. I was trying to go somewhere and be somebody in life, but being the good girl sometimes never counts for nothing. If I was a ho and blowing and riding every nigga then I would be that girl, but because I'm not that drop dead gorgeous girl with the designer clothes and a lot of money I'm in the backdrop of every girl that usually ain't about shit.


I knew that I was fucking up, but how do you tell your girl that you love with everything that your parents are on the education board at GSU. Not only that Star and her delusional grandfather ain't making shit no better. I am at a lost. If I stay with her then she gets kicked out of school. If I leave her that will result in me being a coward. I already know this shit is about to get crazy.

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