chapter 21

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Julian's picture is on the right. 

lot's of love.. <3

Chelsea was sitting in the visiting area when Julian steeped inside.

"Hello, Mr. Drake." She said in her disgusting husky voice. Julian sat down across from her.

Chelsea noticed that he wasn't in a good mood so she jumped immediately to business.

"I spoke with my superiors." She started saying.

"and?" Julian said, arching one brow.

"We know who you are, Mr. Drake." She said cockily and Julian froze.

She noticed his sudden shock and smiled slyly. "You are the Hacker of 2009!" she said in confirmation.

"Yeah, so?" Julian decided to say, shrugging carelessly.

"Well, aside from you're 'theory' about the Blake girl, my boss said he wanted you to hand him your precious program. The Zelda."

Julian shot up to his feet in a furious motion. How the hell did they know?

"You might want to sit down, Drake!" Chelsea commanded between gritted teeth, looking up at him with hooded eyes.

Julian sat down slowly, every muscle in his jaw was flexing. He took one second to think about it.

"I can't!" he said and Chelsea frowned in dissatisfaction. "Why not?" she asked.

"If you're shitty boss really know who I am, he'd also know that I am not allowed to touch any computer device during my sentence." Julian explained calmly. He decided if he wanted to get out of this, he'd have to act cool about it.

"Yeah, so?" Chelsea asked in confusion.

"So, pretty girl, what happens to athletic swimmers when they stop touching the water for four fucking years?" Julian said.

It took Chelsea a whole moment to get the metaphor Julian used before she smiled slowly in understanding.

"Well, here's our proposal. You tell us who the Blake girl is, we break you both out of this prison, you come with us and work your magic on our latest high tech computers." Chelsea explained and Julian's eyes shone when she described their computers.

He cleared his throat and shook his head, remembering how dangerous his Zelda was. And true, he would destroy one person's life for his, in this case it was Joan's, But Zelda would destroy hell of a lot more! It was definitely off limits.

"How would you break us out?" he decided to ask, leaning forward on the table as he lowered his voice.

"I can't give you details yet, but it has to be a brutal one. Explosives and weapons are involved." If she thought that would make it more appealing for him then she was wrong. He hated the idea more and more.

"I'll have to think about it." Julian said, as he stood up, eager to leave. Chelsea stood up quickly and hissed, "You've got until the end of February."

Julian wanted to know why, but right now he was ok to skip the details and just get away from this woman. So he only nodded and started walking toward the guard that would take him back inside.

Chelsea's phone rang once she got out to the parking space in front of the prison. 

"Boss!" She said as she answered. 

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now