Chapter 46

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NOT EDITED! but carefully wriiten... so.. ;)

Dedicated once more to the awesome>> RAWAN *CLAP CLAP* for the awesoem cover on your write. it's about a very serious Mark and Julian <3 

“You still up?” Mark said as he walked inside the living area of the sweet of the hotel they were staying in. He looked down at Julian with hostile eyes. It was probably two in the morning; they were planning on attacking both suspected sites once dawn arrived.

“Couldn’t sleep?” Julian arched a brow before he noticed how hostile Mark was towards him and looked back to the maps and papers that were scattered on the black coffee table. “I’m going through the plan once more, making sure nothing goes wrong.” He stated.

“You really think nothing might go wrong?” Mark said, taking a step closer and balling his hands inside his pockets as he took in Julian’s profile for the gazillion time.

Julian only shrugged without looking up at him.

“I suppose you thought nothing would go wrong too when you told Joanna to only relay on your plan and tell no one about her place here.” Mark said, his tone obviously restrained as he narrowed his eyes on him.

Julian’s shoulders tensed once he heard the statement behind Mark’s words. And the pain of failing to protect her banged in his chest once more.

“I’m sorry about that.” Julian said with a sigh.

“I have no fucking idea how I trusted you in the first place.” Mark gritted out. “I thought she was safe, that she was happy with you.”

“When we find her, and we will, I will give her to you and disappear from her life forever.” Julian said, looking up at him, “Will that makes you happy?”. For a moment, Mark thought he saw pure sorrow in his eyes, and he felt bad. He exhaled loudly before he sat down on the armchair opposite to where Julian was sitting.

“How was she.. When she was with you?” Mark asked tentatively, curiosity creeping up on him.

Julian narrowed his eyes at him, not sure what he meant before he looked down at the map on the table, “I’m not sure what you mean.” Sure he knew what Mark meant, he just couldn’t talk about it because of the way things ended up between him and Joanna.

Mark sighed in resignation, “You know, I never saw her happy, like, really happy before.” He started, making it obvious he wanted to talk more about her, and surprisingly Julian felt the urge to hear more. After all this was her cousin speaking of her past. So he looked up, resting his chin on his two hands, elbows on his knees, as he looked eager to hear more.

“She was always closed to herself, you know, a loner. She never let me in.” Mark looked to his right as if he was looking back at the days. “She always had this haunted look on her face. I always knew she was under the pressure of her past.” Mark gulped the lump in his throat.

“She didn’t admit it back then, but I knew she blamed herself for every bad thing that happened to the people around her. Even when mom died, she….” Mark covered his forehead with his hand for a moment before he wiped his whole face with it, “at that time, she tried to kill herself.” He breathed out.

Julian’s eyes expanded, he never heard about this before. Joanna told him a great deal about her past, but never this. He should’ve known she was never going to open up fully to him. But hearing her cousin talk then proved to him that he was probably the only one she opened up to at all.

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now