Chapter 22

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Helloooo XD

first of, this chap is dedicated to Kitsune96 for being the fastest reader ever. Read the whole thing in like, a day. which is seriously cool and impressive. "she also voted for every chapter," just saying. "whistle*

so be cool like her and read P.C. ofcoarse your comments would be appreciated as well and would boost me higher. so, do that too. lol.

Agyness Dayn's pic is on your right as Joanna Blake. it seemed fitting.

now injoy. Thanx heaps for reading, you know I love ya <3


“So, summing up our session, you’re not strong if you get angry at everything, but you are strong if you held that anger and dissolve it.” Jack the Anger management instructor said at the end of the session.

“Hey, Kid.” Bid Aldo approached Joanna when they were ready to leave.

“Hi!” she said brightly, suddenly happy to talk to him. Aldo’s eyes warmed at her light mood.

“I wan to talk to you today.” He said.

“Yeah, sure. What’s up?” she said, her browse wrinkle in concern.

Aldo looked at the guard who was taking them back to the yard.

“Not here.” He said. “Join us at dinner tonight?” he asked, sounding hopeful.

Joanna thought about it for a moment. She could use a meal away from Julian’s practical jokes. “Yeah. Ok.” She nodded quickly.

“Good.” Aldo’s smile widened. She smiled back. She wanted to talk to him too. February was closing to an end, and she had to let him know about what’s waiting him outside.

When they reached the yard, Joanna and Aldo separated. She went to on of the wooden yard chairs and took out the book she was keeping inside her jumpsuit. She might be able to read a little before Julian interrupts her again. Although he was surprisingly less evil than he used to be. Ever since Isaac left, he’d been acting this way. That didn’t mean he wasn’t evil anymore, no way. He was the devil. But he wasn’t as mean as always.

A cold wind blow at her side and she accidently dropped the book she had in respond. It fell through the chair to the ground.

“Damn it!” she said as she walked around the chair to try to retrieve it from underneath it.

“Where the hell is that damn lackey?” Julian exclaimed childishly at Hank, who only looked at him oddly.

“All the session people had already came back, why isn’t he with them?” he told Hank. He was worried that Joan would be spending his time with that hulk of guard. And if he indeed was a girl, then Julian didn’t like this one bit.

“Look, there he is!” Hank said cheerfully as he spotted Joan standing behind one of the wooden chairs. He looked like he was looking for something.

“Well, it’s about damn time!” Julian exclaimed and strode to where Joan was. He felt Hank follow him.

Once he reached the chair, He hissed a breath at the sight in front of him and looked away immediately.

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now