Chapter 1- Moving day

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"Steph! Are you done packing sweetie?" yelled Mrs.Wood from the front door.

"Yeah mom, I'm going down right now!" replied Stephanie.

Stephanie took one good look in her mirror at her ocean blue eyes and long raven hair. She slipped on her brown jacket with her blue skirt, black converse and her red and blue poof ball hat. As she walked downstairs she texted her SBF or Super Best Friend.

'You ready Kylie'

'Yea, how about you?'

'Im leaving my house right now'

'Alright text me when you in the car'

'You got it'

"Come lets go Steph your father and brother are in the car," Mrs.Wood opened the door "lets go"

"Hurry up thurd!!" yelled Stephanie's older brother, Sheldon.

Stephanie rolled her eyes and ran to the car and Mr.Wood started the car as they drove away from their old house.Then Steph felt vibrating from her jacket pocket so she took out her phone that was ringing from her pocket. She read the caller ID and it showed a picture of Kylie and herself with their arms over each others shoulders after a basketball game in their basketball uniform from the 6th grade. Stephanie smiled and knew Kylie was calling her so she answered it.

"Hey Kylie, whats up?" greeted Steph.

"The sky dumbass" Kylie answered sarcastically.

"No shit sherlock, are you on your way to South Park?"

"Yea and I called Carmen and Jenny, they said they were on their way too"

"That's cool, how long is it from here to South Park?"

"Hmmm,about 2 hour drive. Hey at least we get to move together!"

"You always think way to positive Kylie and your super shy around other people"

"That's how I am and you should know that since we known each other for 12 years"

"Yea I know your my super best friend for a reason right"

"Yea you know I can't get mad at you, see you later"


Steph hung up and looked out the car window.

"This is gonna be a long ass ride to South Park"




A/N: This is my first chapter of my story. This is just the beginning so thanks for reading, Love ya. Btw the photo at the top that's how Steph the character of my story looks like.


North Park meet South Park (discontinued...)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora