Chapter 10- Stan Marsh

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Stephanie's POV

     THANK GOODNESS ITS LUNCH TIME!!!!!!!! Jenny,Kylie and I walked into down the hallways of the school following the students who are busting their ass trying to get to the cafeteria.
     We went through the baby blue double doors and saw a CIRCUS......well,not literally but hopefully you get the point.  Some teens from freshman,sophomore,junior,senior classes were either eating,chatting,fighting,sucking each other faces off also known as making out,gossiping and all that high school shit.
      We went on the lunch Line and got up to the chef.(chef is going to be in this story till further notice)."Hello children!!! You must be new here, my name is chef" said a African American man (I respect) in a chef hat. "Hi chef!" We said in unison.We got our lunches and sat at an empty table. "I'm so bored, fatass got in trouble without me and went home it's no fair" I pouted while eating my fries. They looked at me like if I was crazy!

-Time skip after lunch-

Stan POV

"Dude, the new girls are the Same girls we saw at the park and on the field yesterday!" I said sitting down on our gym bleachers.
"Mph mghh mphhh mpp(I think the blonde chick is pretty hot~)" Kenny wiggled his eyebrows.
'Doesn't he notice that the blond girl looks exactly like him' I thought and I could see Kyle thought the same.

The PC principal came walking into the gym with a microphone "As you all know in 4 weeks it will be Christmas break so I want everyone in the school make a group of 4 or 5 people and create a Christmas project and dammit Leslie shut your fucking pie hole," we all looked at Leslie and she looked confused and embarrassed. "And it's due in 3 weeks so get to work and have a great afternoon"

Time skip final bell ring

We walked outside talking "we should work together on that project to finish it fast" Kyle said "what about Cartm-ahh" I bumped into someone and fell. I opened my eyes to see I was on top of someone and *gulp* that someone is ... STEPHANIE !!!!! THE GIRL WHO LOOKS LIKE ME!!!!!!!

Steph POV

I opened my eyes and saw....

A/n: hiya guys,sorry for not updating in two weeks. It's just that I have so much in my mind and since it was thanksgiving the teachers think it's funny giving us homework packets. I also have braces now so this sucks especially with my friends mocking me at school on how I talk with an expander. I hope you understand and love you!!


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