Chapter 13- Eric Cartman (Part 1)

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Carmen POV

Its Tuesday, the second day of school. HA, more like second day my ass. Im not stepping one foot out of this house after what happened yesterday with that Cartman bastard. I'm just gonna sit here on my couch with MY cheesy poofs and watch Terrance and Philip.


"Who the hell knocking the door, " I mumbled "Ddddaaaaaddddddd GET THE DOORRRRR!". Shesh, who the heck will be knocking at this time......... oh wait,

"CARMEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ON YOUR LAZY ASS WE HAVE SCHOOL AND WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR THE BUS!" Yep Steph the hippie followed by the jew and the poor girl. I turned my head and looked at them.

"Stop yelling its morning time" I whined. "Well i wouldn't be yelling if you were on your way to school" Steph retorted. "School, ha I'm not going" I laughed. "Fine i guess we have to this" Steph smirked. I rolled my eyes "Do wha-aa". I looked over and saw a bucket of fried chicken in jennys hand and chocolate bars in Kylies hand. "If you want some come get it" they ran out my door down the street in the direction of the school.

"SCREW YOU GUYS!" I ran out the door following after them. Why do I always end up in this situation, even when we were in North Park those assholes did this.

Time skip to school

"Whyyy you do this to meeeeee" I was being dragged down the hallways by Stephanie and Kylie and Jenny in front of me walking. Jenny took out a drum stick from the bucket and Kylie opened a chocolate bar and they started to eat in my face as people stared at us. I HATE THEM SO MUCH.

I looked to my left to avoid the food but big mistake......

There right in front of me was the fat fuck that got me in trouble.......

Eric Theodore Cartman

North Park meet South Park (discontinued...)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora