karkat x troll reader (yellow blood)

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So it all started with sollux and mituna one day
-the day-
"h3y (y/n)" sollux said "y32" you replied finishing a drawing you had to admit you were an expert at drawing "you know that karkat guy ii'v3 b33n t3lliing you about" you looked at him sollux allways told you about karkat how he would curse at him and stuff
" 2o"
"you wanna m33t hiim"
Then mituna had to cut in and as the usual he would face plam on the floor because of his skateboard that you gave him for his wriggling day "h3y guy'5"
"h3y tun4" you said as you helped him up

*4 f3w d4y'2 / 5w33p'2 l473r*
(a few days/ sweeps later)

"HEY FUCKASS" sollux groaned and huffed "WHY DID YOU ASK ME TO COME" sollux shoved you infront of karkat "thii2 ii2 my cou2iin (y/n) b3 good frii3nd'2 and junk" and with that he ran off you and karkat just stared at each other "2o uh hi i'm (y/n) c4ptor"
He snapped out of his daze "OH Uh KARKAT VANTAS"
"2ol told m3 4 lot 4bout you"
He looked at you "WHAT?" "h3 told m3 27uff 4bout you" "GOOD THING'S OR NOT" you froze sollux never said anytjing good about karkat you laughed uncomfortably you didnt realize karkat was looking at you lost "ug h3y kk h3y un 4l7herni4 to k4rk4t " he snapped out of his daze again "LISTEN I GOTTA GO" and with that he ran away

-d4y'2 l473r-
(days later)

"okay karkat you can do this"
Karkat said to himself as he reached the captor hive he knocked on the door "w417 4 23c" mituna oppened tge door " 0h h3y k4rk47" "IS (Y/N) THERE" he said as he fiddled with his fingers but then " 9h if it isnt my little 6r9ther its quite a surprise i see y9u visiting here 6ecause i never even see you c9me 9ut 9f 9ur hive -blah blah blah blah blah blah-"

(note to self karkat is now dead XD cause of death: kankri the smarty pants kankri: that is very triggering me: idk XD)
"UH YEAH" then you squeased though mituna and kankri and you were now wearing mitunas small clothes that fit you "h3y kk" karkat blushed at the nickname only sollux and terezi called him kk "SO WANNA HANG" he said trying not to stutter "oh sur3" you ran out an draged karkat somewhere " W-WAIT" he stuttered "I HAVE SOMETHING I NEED TO TELL YOU"
You looked at him but then he got really close to you he leaned in and whispered "IM FLUSHED FOR YOU" next thing you know karkat was K. i. s. s. i. n. g. You so when he pulled away "i'm flu2h3d for you too kk" he blushed all afternoon karkat and you just holded hands and chased around the hateful king had changed thanks to you
Wow finaly done
It took.me half an hour to finish argh

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