dave x insicure reader

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requested by : @deletdreams
thanks for the request *grabs a jar and opens it * here ( ::: ) *smiles*  for you bro

dave x insicure reader

"(y/n)?" dave said lets say your friend feferi draged you and dave into a shopping spree.

"aren't you gonna buy anything?" dave asked you fiddled your fingers "o-oh u-um....m-maybe.....but...i dont look good in anything" dave chuckled "are you serious (y/n) ?" he asked you blushed "y-yes" you said and looked away "well..." soon he saw a (f/c) (d/s) (dress style) "hey (y/n) " he said with his charming smile

" yes dave?"  you said then pointed at a (f/c) dress "that would look great on you" dave.said and got it "try it on" dave said and pushed infront of.your face

"n-no dave  i a-already told you.ev-" soon feferi  pushed you in the dressing room and made you put the dress on

While dave waited out side. Oh.and did i forgot eridan was with them aswell....yay!!!.....^^'..... "glub this day" eridan hissed. Soon you  came out wearing the dress.

Dave blushed red as he saw you "y-you look great" dave stuttered


The whole day dave made you wear the dress but when you where in the parking lot... "(y/n) can i tell you something" you nodded "well....(y/n) well.....its just your really cute and beautiful what im trying to say-" he was silenced when you kissed him it lasted about 10 minutes but.....
"o)( my glub"  feferi squealed
Way to ruin the moment feferi
The song i listen to while working on this : pop drop candy (english)- san's and papyrus cover

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