tavros x gamzee (yaoi)

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gamzee smiled as he juggled his clubs trying to cheer tavros up because now he had to sit in a wheelchair and was banned from fighting ever again "come on tav bro whats with the mother fucking face" (btw im not gonna do their speach patterns for a while) tavros looked up at him his eyes were filled with saddness "no reason" he said as he looks at his now useless legs gamzee noticed this and grabed his hand "its gonna be alright tavbro ill quit fighting an ill be here for your every mother fucking needs" gamzee said as he knealt on one leg "g-gamzee you dont have to do that for me" tavros said as he pulled his hand back from gamzee's firm grip. gamzee looked up at him and stood up "but....anything for my tavbro"

anything for my tavbro

that word rings in tavros ears did he just say 'for my tavbro' tavros blushed as the day gamzee served him all day till the sun comes down from the beautiful skies of althernia

-5 days later-
"tavros is there any fucking thing you need" gamzee said with concern " no its okay" tavros said "but how can i...repay for this" tavros added. gamzee smirked "well...." he rubbed his chin and looked at tavros " one mother fycking kiss will do" gamzee smirked as tavros blushed. gamzee lifed his chin so they were looking in each others eyes in a flash of a momment they were kissing as gamzee pulled away "and theres another mother fucking price" hr said as he picked up tavros from his wheelchair and proced to his bedroom "ill be gentle i promise" gamzee said as he threw tavros on his bed and lets  just say tavros wished gamzee would serve him again;)

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