male author x reader : kismeisis with a half demon

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drawing by me (im the one in the middle ^^)
it was a normal day in the neighboor hood....well sorta

"FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" kai said while running away with and angry dog behind him "Leave me alone i wasnt doing anything!!!" he said and climbed up a post "phew" he sighed and spoted a (h/c) girl "oh (y/n)" he yelled

you heared your name being called and looked up a post and saw kai with an angry dog barking "hey kai what cha doing" "its not the time for "what cha doings" i dont give a sit {lol my new quote finaly in one oneshots XD} (y/n) make this dog go away!!!" he yelled you just sat by a bench "how can you be so heartles!!!" he yelled again "well your half demon so" he raised" the finger" an in which you gave back "fine ill fucking deal with my problem" he said and a purple and black flame appeared and set fire on the dog "burn you little-" he said and the dog ran away "hey i didnt finish my sentence" he said and slid down the pole " fuck dogs these days " you aproached him "well how did it go" "wanna eat fride dog be my guest" he said and left "hey!!!!!" you threw a can at him . he stoped his tracks and looked back at you "{1}kokoen-teshi jinjokiou no ponkin" < {demonicron languagr} " well mr. demonicron if u wanted jelp you could have asked"

"i was {2}fricklui u arr the worst fucker i have ever met" he said and stomping off

"whatever" you said and flicked your hair and going home looks like u and kai are kismeisis after all but still morails
1. - you little peice of- fucker not even helping when i needed
2.- bitch

sorry reader-chan T^T

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