insanestuck dying sober gamzee x blood shed reader

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"HoNk hOnK HoNK"
You and karkat hid some where safe but gamzee he had gone bloodshed mode / he went insane he killed tavros and eridan also eridan killed feferi, sollux, aradia, and nepeta how could they killed them you were crying until who knows

-flash back-
"hey equius where ya goin'"
Equius turned to you "no where"
"something bad is going to happen"
"how so"
He shook his head and left on the other hand you saw eridan sitting by the sand holding flowers you aproched him "hey er'dan whats wrong"
"wwell its just that the girl i lovved is noww at tge hands of another" he cried" should move on and find someone else" you walked away leaving the tranced troll to his misery

"o-oh my" feferi's dead body her pink/ red violet (sorry i forgot) blood surrounding her " g-o r-run"
She was already dead then you saw sollux his yellow blood surrounding him "sol...sollux"
He raised his yellow blood covered hand "e-eridan r-run away f-from h-i-m" he was dead then tavros "tav answer me"
tavros looked up at you " g-am-zee w-will k-kill ev-everyo-ne (y-y/n) h-hide"a brown / orange tear ran down tavros's grey cheeks " h-hurry" that were his last words his eyes finaly closed but when you got to nepeta she was already gone

then karkat ran towards you "(y/n) we need to hurry gamzee is"
"HoNk hOnK mOtHerFucKeRs I wIlL KiLl AlL LoWbLoOdS"
"crap run" karkat grabed your hand and ran gamzee seemed enranged by this and chased after you and karkat

the honks got closer karkat hid you behind some log, branches and firewood but karkat was draged upwards you saw it with your own eyes gamzee stabbed his clubs in karkats stomach but then john,rose,jade, and dave came but even them were killed the (beta) godtiers even them and now you were next the heir of sand also a godtier you had the power to control sand and the sand will protect you from harm you stood from your hiding spot "gamzee makara" you yelled as tears formed in your eyes gamzee hold back his hand and threw his club the sand from nowhere had slaped it back to him gamzee crashed to trees he was knocked out but as you aproached him you wouldnt expect him to be almost dead "g-gamzee im so sorry" you rushed to his side"
"S-sis d-dont l-leave me" gamzee's last words you cried as you held his corps

okay i cried making this one

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