Chapter Fourteen

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I heard the faint sound of trotting, my eyes slowly opened and I found I was underneath 'diva' as they called her, the gate must have unlocked for her to get out, I was slightly afraid, well who wouldn't be when they were pregnant and underneath a giant horse.

All she would need to do would be sit on me and I would be crushed, I didn't have a phone on me and I knew animals could sense when people were afraid, so I tried to calm my nerves.

She slowly stepped back and I looked up at her, expecting her to eat me with those huge teeth she instead dropped down beside me, well around me so I was between those legs.

I ran a hand over her dark hair, slowly rubbing from her belly to her neck, she was a gorgeous horse and so friendly, she wasn't neighing or charging at me, no she was actually letting me touch her.

A calming feeling spread throughout my body as I continued to run my hands over her, she lowered her head more and so did I, I rested my head on her stomach staring up at the night sky, my tears were coming back because all I could think about was Alex, so he found the photo in my wallet and thought the worst, this was why he was being so horrible to me, he was mad over a photo and instead of asking me about him he ignores me.

The night sky was getting darker and I actually had no idea where I was, I knew I was still on the property but I had no idea where, and how did the freaking horse find me? Of all things I never expected to find the horse out here with me, the horse that's meant to hate people.

“you know your not really a horrible horse, I like you” I sat up slightly as I talked to her then I laid so I was facing her, her nose inches from my face, I ran my hand over her long nose.

I heard the crunch of a twig behind me and instantly froze, well I tried to but the horse had other idea, she was up in a quick flash standing over me as she huffed loudly at Alex who was looking more than shocked.

“Lily are you ok?” he spoke giving me a slight glance as he looked to afraid to move

“leave me alone Alex” I snapped now back in my bad mood

“how did you get the horse out, I told you not to go near her” his tone was more scolding.

“I didn't get her out, she turned up just before I fell” I shot back angrily

his eyes softened as he stepped closer “you fell down?”

“that or fainted I don't know” I muttered, I moved slightly running my hand over 'diva' she finally moved her gaze from Alex and looked down at me then moved to the side laying back down next to me.

Alex hesitated before sitting down next to me “Lily” he started

“don't talk I am to tired to fight and I think maybe you and I were just trying to be together for this baby, but obviously we don't get along as well without sex involved” I turned to look up at him, this was the closest we had been since we slept together.

“I'm sorry, I told you I loved you and you looked like I told you I was ready to slit your throat, I didn't know how to even act if you didn't feel the same way as I did, then Emma told me about this Jamie guy that you were crazy in love with and I got jealous, I didn't understand how you could love someone you wasn't with but yet you cant with me, the guy your pregnant too”

oh holy fucking hell, so this was all going on one big misunderstanding, that he was ignoring me from something Emma said to him, great.

“I do love you” I whispered taking his hand “you slept with me and left like I was nothing but a root for for you, an easy release”

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