Chapter Twenty Four

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The absolute worst moment of my life is Alex's parents almost seeing us have sex, well they were about to witness him do other things first but still that is pretty bad.

Alex flew off the handle and roared the house down about his mother snooping down through his things, considering the disk was well hidden in his closet she must have done it when we went riding.

We had been driving for two hours, the car was silent and I think no one wanted to be the first to talk, knowing Alex was in a very pissed off mood, he was furious.

I had yet to ask Emma about the whole moving in situation, I didn't know how she would take it but the place we were didn't have a lease, well it ran out three months ago and they hadn't contacted us to renew it yet.

Alex's hand tightened over mine, giving me a small glance and lifting my hand to kiss it. His soft mouth lingering for a sweet second then placing my hand back on his lap.

I needed to break the tension “so Emma, Alex asked us to move in with him”

I guess it would be a good thing for us to move in with them, I mean Josh is my brother and as much as I was hurt about him hiding from me I kind of wanted to get to know him, to have that brother I once knew and have a relationship with him.

He was my only family, well apart from our other sister who I just wanted to strangle with her own bra.

“is that ok with you?” Alex spoke looking at Josh who was being very quiet.

“I think it's a good idea” Emma spoke not giving Josh a chance to speak, I turned back in my seat to look at the both of them, Emma grinning widely, Josh just nodded not saying anything.

I turned back around and focused on the road, closing my eyes and thinking about everything that had happened this past week.

The lies, the hidden secrets, our lost baby, the absolute mess my life had become.

The only good thing to come was us getting engaged, and sure it may not have been a romantic or perfectly planned proposal but it was perfect to me, finding each other after so long was truly the best thing that had happened in my life since loosing Jamie.

Someone rubbed my thigh and I shifted slightly, opening my heavy lids I noticed we had stopped and was in the main street of some town, Emma and Josh were standing on the street talking to each other.

“are you ok?” Alex asked softly.

“yes, no, I have no idea” I laughed slightly, unclasping the belt.

“let's go have lunch, we're an hour from home and I need to help you pack your things”

“huh?” I looked at him slightly confused

he pulled back removing his hand from my cheek “you don't want to move in with me?”

“oh, yes I do, I just didn't know when you wanted to move in together” I laughed leaning towards him more.

“good” he grinned.

The four of us sat in a restaurant and ordered our meals, the thick tension that was around us earlier had vanished, we were all talking and laughing, Emma reckoned she was going to sound proof her room, Josh didn't want to know or even think about us having sex.

I cringed when I thought back to how he had examined me when I was miscarrying, how I waxed him and even touched him down there, my own freaking brother. Ugh yuck!

Alex on the other hand thought it was hilarious and was paying him out.

“here are your drinks” the waitress spoke as she came back to our table.

“thanks” we pretty much all said as she placed them in front of us, she lingered a little longer next to Alex and he looked up, looking me directly in the eyes.

“so Josh you want to go look for suits tomorrow, since you are my best man and all?” he asked giving him a grin.

His face broke into a smile, I knew he didn't know if he was going to be the best man, but I also knew Alex and I knew he wasn't one to hold a grudge either.

“bucks night needs to be planned” Josh smirked

my ears pricked up at the comment and I narrowed my eyes at Josh “no strippers”

“come on, you cant have a bucks without a couple hot chicks dancing around” he laughed taking a sip of his coke.

“that's ok, Lilly will have one really hot guy to give her a sexy dance, I might pay extra to get him to be naked” Emma smirked wiggling her brows.

“no, no fucking way” Alex frowned shaking his head.

“scared Lilly will change her mind?” she chuckled

“no strippers or dances or naked people” Alex gave her a glare, I wasn't interested in strippers or anything so it didn't bother me anyway.

Emma reluctantly agreed and dropped the teasing, I laughed at how riled up her was getting about it, she really loved to test his patience.

Lunch came and went and we were soon back on the road, the sun was beaming brightly as we entered the busy city, god I missed it here.

“how long will it take you girls to pack up your place?” Josh asked as we pulled into the driveway.

“hours” I smirked lying, it actually wouldn't take so long considering everything in our place was already here before hand, we only had our clothing here and photo's to pack up.

“well then we will leave you two girls to pack and we will head home and make some room for all your girl crap then come back” Alex lent forward, cupping my cheek as he kissed me firmly, his lips not moving as he had them pressed hard against my mouth.

“I love you, see you soon babe” I smiled pulling away from him and getting out of the car.

Fuck packing, my bed was covered in all my clothing, literally there was no spot left for my to sit, well unless I wanted to sleep on my clothing.

Ten minutes into the packing and I had been wanting to give up, I slumped to the floor groaning loudly.

Emma walked in and sat beside me, giving me a look that she held when something was bothering her, her shoulders dropped and she sighed turning to face me “I'm sorry for not telling you about Josh and Alex, or the baby for that matter, it's just the doctors said you had to remember on your own, and we tried to tell you once and you flipped out and had to be sedated, you thought Josh was going to attack you”

I didn't know what to say, I guess in all fairness I couldn't be mad at her “I forgive you Emma”

she looked at me through her glossy eyes, a tear sliding down her cheek “I'm so sorry Lilly, each week Josh and I met up to talk and see if you remembered, but you never did and then you met Alex and you both started to remember things, it was like you needed to see each other to remember”

I nodded understanding her “can you believe Alex's parents almost watched us having sex”

“I know, the look on her face was priceless, Alex was mad” she laughed clutching her stomach

We laid on the floor of the bedroom laughing for a good ten minutes I reckon it was, every time we went to talk we'd just laugh again.

“have you almost finished packing?” I asked her as I stood back up, starting to fold more clothing up.

“not even close, you think the guys could help us instead of bailing like wimps” she stood pulling her hair back and up into a pony tail.

In the end I gave up on folding and stuffed my clothes in a suitcase, sitting on it to do it up. Where the hell was the boys when you needed them.

When there was a knock on the door we figured the guys were back and one of us must have accidentally locked the door when we closed it.

“coming” I called out as the knocking got louder by the second, got they are impatient.

I opened the door and was met with someone I didn't expect to see him and I didn't expect to be met with a hard fist to the face, knocking me down flat on my ass.

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