Chapter Seventeen

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Please baby forgive me, I love you and she meant nothing, your the only one for me.

I tossed my phone aside and groaned loudly, Sam was starting to text me again, I thought it had stopped but obviously not, Alex was fast asleep next to me and also lightly snoring. I slowly tip toed out of the bed and pulled on his long sleeved shirt and boxer shorts then making my way to the kitchen.

I could hear the kettle boiling and thought Emma was up about to speak when I noticed it was Josh instead standing there in his boxers and nothing else, I must have startled him since he slightly jumped as he turned to face me.

“morning, your up early, did you want a coffee” he asked as I glanced over at the clock, it was 6am and he was right I was up early.

“couldn't sleep very well, no thanks I just feel weird for some reason” I weakly smiled sitting down on the chair at the table.

“you ok?” he brought over his coffee sitting down in front of me

“yeah can I ask you a question as my doctor?” I quietly asked

Josh sat his drink back down before taking a sip and eyed me cautiously “sure you can, I wont tell Alex if your worried about that”

I hesitated before speaking “I have some pain and I feel like I am about to get my period”

“have you bled at all?”

“no” I answered

“take it easy today, it could be your uterus stretching but if and I mean if any pain increases tell me right away” he reached across the table rubbing my hand gently “your scared aren't you”

“of course I am scared, Alex is with me because I am pregnant, if I wasn't he wouldn't be with me and if I lost the baby he wouldn't want to be with me any more” I wiped away the tears spilling out my eyes, I hadn't ever told Alex how I felt and why would I, it scared me to death that something could happen to our baby and then we wouldn't be together.

Josh stood up and moved to the chair next to me “Lilly, that guy is crazy about you, baby or not he will love you, the afternoon you left after your all nighter he came in furious at himself for not asking for your number, I spent the next seven weeks listening to him talk about this perfect woman who he wanted to find, baby or not you would have ended up together” he grinned pulling me into a hug.

I held him back letting the tears fall out, I felt silly for crying but I couldn't hold it in, I was emotional and it was messing with my insecurities. We pulled apart and I looked up giving him a smile as he reached out to wipe my eyes with his thumb, that's when I noticed we had the exact same eye colour.

Medium blue with dark flecks through them.

I didn't get a chance to say anything because Emma walked out yawning loudly and stretching “morning peeps” she sat down next to us

“morning nympho” I smirked

“morning MILF” she smirked back at me

“oh and here comes the DILF” Josh chuckled as Alex walked in half asleep

“Lilly come back to bed” he yawned heading back to the bedroom

“daddy wants to have some morning sex with mummy” Emma whispered

“I heard that and daddy wants mummy to ride him” Alex called out from the bedroom

“eww, god you need to tone down your sex sharing” she rolled her eye

“relax we aren't having sex, I am to tired” I assured her and I was hoping she didn't make me promise her that because I don't think I could promise on that right now.

I slowly walked to the bedroom where Alex was laying back in bed, his chest bare and the covers jut covering his hips “I prefer to wake up to you next to me”

“sorry you were snoring and I couldn't sleep” I yawed feeling sleepier again as I stripped off and climbed back into bed snuggling into Alex's warm chest.

“I don't snore” he said flatly, I snorted knowing full well he did actually snore and he could deny it all he wanted, I knew the truth.

“sure baby” I whispered

“are you ok?” he rubbed my hair gently massaging my scalp

“mmm” I murmured “I just had some pain but it's going away now”

“what type of pain Lilly?” he moved rubbing a hand on my stomach

“period cramps, Josh said it could be my uterus stretching but to rest” I pushed him back down laying my head back onto his chest as I finally let sleep overtake me.

I don't know when it was or for how long I was asleep for but when I woke up it was still dark, I looked beside me and the bed was empty, I couldn't hear anything in the house at all, it was all silent and that was rare.

The cramps seemed to have came on a little more again but they ever lasted long, it was like someone squeezing an orange and releasing it. I looked to the door when it open and Alex walked in “your awake, you slept most the day, it's 4pm”

“what? Why didn't you wake me up?” I sat up giving myself head spin so I sunk back into the bed

“you were tired babe, I did try but you wouldn't wake, not even an earthquake could wake you up” he laughed quietly

“sorry, I feel bad for sleeping” I muttered

“it's ok sweetheart, you look tired still” he kneeled down on the bed giving my hand a kiss as he held it.

“I am, I feel drained and exhausted”

“I have to tell you something but please don't be mad, I kind of answered a call from who I am guessing was your ex” when I didn't answer he kept talking “I told him if he ever called you again I would put him into a coma then turn off his life support machine and no one would ever know”

I burst into a fit of hysterical laughter, he seriously threatened him “good, hopefully he gets the picture then”

“your not mad?” he looked taken back slightly

“your my boyfriend why would I be mad? If you had a girl doing the same I would go all crazy bitch on her ass, pregnant or not” I reached grabbing hold of his hand.

I sucked in a breath as another pain hit and Alex was definitely on high alert “Lilly how bad is the pain?”

“not bad ahhh that one was” I squeezed his hand hard.

“Josh is in town, I could do something to feel if your cervix is dilating but I don't know how you will react to me doing it”

“what is that?” I asked hesitantly already thinking I had a good idea of what it was.

“push my fingers up inside you to feel”

“what?” I moved back

“you want Josh to do it instead? He's got that scanner in the car with him otherwise I would have used that” his voice was getting more agitated.

“fine do it” I muttered throwing the covers off me and Alex's face went from angry to scared in seconds.

“don't look Lilly, its probably nothing but still I need Josh to get here now” he pulled out his phone “keep your eyes on me baby, please”

“Alex wha-” I was interrupted by Emma walking in and stopping

“don't fucking say anything Emma” he shouted away from the phone

On instant I looked down to see what she was freaking out about, I honestly wished I didn't because my legs had bright red blood all over them, I looked at Alex as he hung the phone up and pushed Emma out of the room and closed the door. Alex helped me up from the bed and I felt more blood trickling down my thighs “Alex make it stop, baby please” I whispered as tears surfaced.

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