Chapter Thirty Nine

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A lot had happened in these past couple of weeks, Alex and I found a house, the one I showed him on the computer that I had saved was the one we looked at, both of us falling in love with it even more as it was even better than the photographs.

We brought it, Alex said it wasn't as expensive as he was expecting it to have been.

Also we went and looked at two buildings where I could start up my business again, one of those was right in the heart of town, and seemed perfect, it was bigger than my last one so it worked out well in the end, I didn't know if I should buy it but Alex was adamant that we do, the insurance money had covered the cost of the building and I had more so I could get the renovations under way.

I visited my sister and Sam when they were in custody, asking why they did it, what I ever did to them to make them hate me that much to take something so valuable away from me.

My sister said I took Alex from her and Sam said it was because I never put out for him.

Alex came with me and when he seen Sam he punched him hard in the nose, breaking it instantly. He was furious at them both and wanted charges laid against them.

They got eight years in prison for arson. I was pretty happy about that.

Emma and Josh had been helping us pack, they were excited we were moving but sad we were leaving them, I was happy to be able to live in our own home, having our own things and taking another step in our relationship.

We hadn't had a single fight since that big blow up one, I never brought it up and I warned Josh and Emma not to do it either, I didn't want him to feel worse than he already did.

Alex had started buying me gifts, he was feeling really guilty about the whole thing, I didn't want him too because it was party my fault as well but he insisted on doing it.

Ok so I admit receiving flowers of an evening when Alex came home from work was pretty sweet, I did share the chocolates with him though.

“you all ready?” Emma asked me, I was going to miss living with her the most, we had been through so much together and being without her was going to be different.

“all ready” I inhaled and exhaled a deep breath.

“we will still see each other everyday” he assured me with a nod and frown, her eyes slightly watering.

“course we will, we work together” I half laughed, my eyes were starting to water as well.

I knew Emma and I would be fine, we was going into business together, she was still coming back to work with me so I could train her up, teaching her the ropes so when she was fully qualified, how could I not want to work with her.

“does the big brother get some love?” Josh's voice came from behind.

Him and I had definitely grown closer, we were like we used to be, we even hung out together, going to lunch and watching movie's together, I told him he needed to stop playing the field and settle down.

He laughed in my face from that and said never.

“course come here” I smiled as I turned to him, he wrapped me in a big hug, squeezing the life out of me.

“take care and we will be over this weekend for dinner” he stated seriously, I just eye rolled him which made him crack a grin.

Yes we promised them that they could come over for a bbq sometime, I knew they would be coming over a lot and it was a good thing.

“well we better head off, got a lot of unpacking to do” I wiped my eyes, Alex was in the car, he had already said his goodbye's and I think he was more excited to get out of here and to our home.

I left after blubbering like a baby for most of the drive, I wasn't upset at all and they were more happy tears but I just couldn't believe it, we were moving out on our own.

“here we are beautiful” Alex grinned squeezing my thigh as he pulled in the drive way of our two storey home.

It was definitely a good feeling to call this place home.

“I can't believe we're in our own place” I jumped up exictedly as I waited for him to unlock the front door, he chuckled shaking his head at my reaction.

“all the loud sex we want” he wiggled his brows.

“how did I manage to marry such a horny man?” I rolled my eyes about to step inside the house when Alex blocked my path.

“sorry babe but your stuck with me now, and your the one who's always wanting in my pants” he spoke and in a swift movement he had picked me up bridal style, I let out a shriek as he carried me through the door, kicking it shut with his foot behind him.

“welcome home wife” he grinned leaning in for a soft kiss.

“welcome home husband” I replied kissing back.

When he put me down on my feet I took his hand and led him to the kitchen, everything was mostly set up, we just had our clothing since we had been here all week placing everything else away, this house really did feel like home.

“what do you want to do?” he asked

I shrugged my shoulders “fuck?”

“love the way you think” he groaned huskily and pinned me to the wall, his lips trailing kisses over the corners of my mouth, his hands roaming my body as I unbuttoned his jeans pulling them down quickly as I could.

“where?” I moaned as his hand slid in my underwear, teasing me softly.

“here” was all he said as he dropped to his knees and ripping my lace pants apart, tossing them over his head as he lathered his hot tongue against me, making me even more wetter than I already was, he stood and lifted me up, wrapping my legs around him as he walked us to our room, laying me down on the bed and climbing on top of me.

I was definitely in a good mood, Alex was in an even better one as we laid beside each other, our hands and legs tangled together wanting to keep the closeness of our lovemaking still.

“I love you” I whispered kissing his chest lightly.

“not as much as I love you” he kissed the top of my head.

I couldn't believe how far we had come,

“can you belive that we've been married for almost six weeks, it feels longer doesn't it” he whispered.

I nodded, six weeks didn't seem long at all, my eyes shot open as I just realised something, I had been so busy with moving and getting the new salon organised I had completely forgotten about it, how could I have not even noticed when we spoke about it most day, I shot up and looked at Alex who opened his eyes eyeing me cautiously “Alex, we've almost been married for six weeks” I stated.

“that's what I just said” he yawned not clicking on.

“Alex use that smart brain of yours, I said almost six weeks” I couldn't wipe the smile from my face.

He frowned and I could tell he was thinking about it, the frown dissapeard and a smile replaced it “your pregnant?”

“I think so, I haven't bled since I got my period a week before the wedding” I remember that clearly because I was freaking out that I would have it for our wedding day, luckily it ended two days before and I hadn't bled since.

“oh fuck your pregnant” he spoke louder this time, there was no mistaken the happiness in his voice as he sat up pushing me down on the bed and pulling the covers down just below my belly, his hand moving over and rubbing softly.

“but what if I'm wrong, what if I'm just late from stress?” I blurted out, not wanting to get too excited if I wasn't pregnant at all.

“only one way to find out” he looked up at me still grinning “get dressed”

“why?” I laughed, how was dressing going to decide if I was knocked up or not.

“we're going to the hospital to get a scan” he lent down and kissing my stomach then came up to me, his eyes filled with excitement as he got off the bed and hurried to get dressed.

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