Chapter Twenty Five

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I felt like someone had run over me with a truck, or better and more accurate knocked me out.

My head was pounding so bad, I felt like my whole face was broken.

I could hear Emma screaming her head off at someone as she came closer towards me, my eyes fluttered open and I looked up, Sam was towering above me, I could smell the stench of alcohol coming from his clothing, he was off his head drunk.

“Lilly baby oh god I am so sorry” he rubbed my cheek making me wince.

Emma kept shouting something as I tried to move, my head to heavy to lift up

“just shut up and let me explain” he yelled as his hand running over my cheek, I felt sick from his touch, my hands reaching up and pushing him away from me, unfortunately he was to heavy for me to move.

“get off me” I groaned

“where have you been?” he shouted in my face, I almost puked on the rotten breath fanning over my face, his eyes then noticed the shiny diamond on my left hand, I'm pretty sure that just made him even more angrier and he threw another blow to my face, I felt the blood warm blood trickling down my face.

Thankfully he didn't get a chance to do that again since Alex had him yanked up by his shirt and thrown into the wall, his fist clocking him straight in the nose, we all heard the sickening crunch from his nose smashing.

Josh was hoovering over me, his eyes scanning my face as I just laid there blinking at him, the more I stared the more I seen the similar features, the more I remembered about us growing up together.

“you pushed me out of a tree and broke my arm” I spoke, my mouth turning into a smirk.

He bowed his head down closer towards me and laughed “of all the things you had to say right now you choose to go down memory lane?”

“sorry, is my face bad?” I frowned slightly

“no, you might need some stitches though” he dabbed a cotton ball over my lip.

I turned slightly to see Alex still holding Sam by the throat, he was speaking in a low tone so I couldn't make out what he was saying exactly but I knew that if Alex had anything to do with it then he wouldn't be coming near me again any time soon.

After he tossed him out of the house he dropped down running his hand over my cheek, the little warmth that his fingers created somehow taking all the pain away “are you ok?”

“yeah now I am” I answered honestly.

Alex and Josh carted our bags to the cars, Alex drove mine while Josh drove his so we didn't have to do extra trips, Emma had called the agent to tell them we had moved out and they didn't have a problem with it so that was a plus.

“you sure your ok, did he hurt you anywhere else?”

“no babe, I promise I am ok, sore but ok” I reached over linking my fingers through his.

I hadn't looked in the mirror, I was standing in Alex's ensuite while he was running me a bath, I told him I didn't want one but he didn't listen, he had put a bandage over the cut but said he would stitch it up afterwards.

All I said was he better have some fucking good pain killers, and being a doctor he had access to all types of good pills.

“get in with me?” I asked as I sunk to the bottom of the bath.

Alex stripped off and slid in behind me, pulling me back so I laid on his chest. He was comfortable and I could just fall asleep like this.

“why did he come around to your place?” he broke the silence running his hands up and down my shoulders.

“no idea, we thought it was you both and I opened the door and he just threw a punch at me, then when he seen the ring he got mad and hit me again” I answered, I had to take a steady breath to hold the tears back that were making me want to cry.

“fucking tosser” I heard Alex mutter which made me crack a smile.

Emma walked in the bathroom holding the phone, not caring that we were naked in front of her, luckily the bubbles had covered the important parts of our bodies so she couldn't see anything, but still Alex felt the need to place a hand over my breasts and one over my lower area.

“you guys ok with Chinese? Were having a celebration night of moving in” she looked between us both with raised brows.

I nodded and I was pretty sure Alex did as well as she grinned and headed back out the door, Alex's hand still over my body parts.

“did that just happen?” he asked slowly.

“yes, you need to get a lock on your door”

“our door babe, this is our home” he kissed my neck softly, his hands somewhat massaging gently, I breathed out a little as I felt him pressing in my back, his fingers sliding a little further between my thighs when the door burst open again.

“really Alex? Fingering her in the bath?” Emma smirked

“get the fuck out” he threw his hand up groaning.

“chill dude, I just came to tell you were going to get some alcohol for our night” she laughed walking back out.

“babe I want you in our bed now” I stood up letting the bubbles down my naked body, stepping out of the bath I grabbed a towel and headed towards the bedroom, I still had to hang my clothing up which I wasn't looking forward to but it had to be done.

Alex walked in the room naked as the day he was born, stepping closer to me as his hands took hold of mine, walking us back to the bed and laying me down “we don't have to” he softly spoke placing kissing all over my body.

I bucked my hips into his and smiled looking into his eyes “I want to”.

His mouth tenderly kissing mine, slowly making love to me as our bodies moved in sync becoming one, every part of me felt him, loving and responding to his touch, the way he touched me made me feel nothing but pure love from him, knowing he had loved me this whole time just make being with him all the more meaningful.

“god I love you” he spoke as he pulled back, his hands loosened and went to my face, rubbing my cheeks as he looked deep into my eyes.

I bit my lower lip as my eyes filled with water, I wasn't meaning to cry, heck I wasn't upset about anything, Alex noticed and stopped, looking at with worry “Lilly what the matter?” his thumb brushing my tears away.

“nothing, I just really love you, like a lot and I don't ever want to be apart from you again, I feel complete with you Alex” I sniffed trying not to start balling my eyes out like a mushy sook.

“I feel the exact same” he lowered his mouth and kissed me like nothing before, long gone was the sweet and slow love making, this was intense and passionate, gripping each other as our lives depended on each other.

Laying beside each other in our naked embrace, snuggling into Alex's chest as his arms wrapped around me protectively, I looked up and kissed him on the corner of his mouth then moved back resting my head half on his chest and the other half on his arm. I felt at ease, I felt at home and comfortable with him.

“I don't think you should drink” he spoke, trailing his fingertips up and down my arm.

“whys that?” I asked moving slightly again to look up at him, my legs tangling with his.

“you could be pregnant” he muttered keeping his eyes on me, his hand went over my stomach.

“true, how about you stitch me up and give me some of those awesome pills so we can use that as an excuse?” I grinned wiggling my brows twice.

“you just want the drugs babe” he smirked shaking his head and narrowing those blue eyes at me.

“perks of being engaged to a doctor” I giggled.

“fine sweetheart, let's get you fixed you up and examined” we went to move and get off the bed.

“first get back here and kiss me again” I wrapped my free arm around his waist, pulling him closer towards me and placing my lips against his, loving the simple touch of a kiss that took away the bad memory of today and could make me feel more than a million times happy right this very second.

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