Chapter Thirty One

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“as in the slut who sleeps with my boyfriends?” I asked

“just how many boyfriends have you had?” Alex moved off from me looking clearly annoyed.

“that isn't the problem right now Alex, and you better keep that thing in your scrubs because I will put you on your own operating table if you even look at another woman” Emma growled, she was being completely serious.

“in my scrubs?” he couldn't hold his laughter as he rubbed a hand over my stomach, spreading his fingers right across.

“don't laugh and hurry up and get dressed, I'm not dealing with this bitch on my own” she narrowed her eyes then walked out of the room.

“this sucks” I groaned slapping the bed covers.

“I can't live with her anymore Lilly, be fucked if I have to worry about someone walking in each time I want to be with you” he growled tossing the blankets and pulling his underwear back on.

“I know, maybe we should move to the house that you brought and that would solve all the problems” I shot at him.

He looked stunned that I knew about him buying the property, his brows creased and he nervously scratched the back of his neck “you know? How?”

“Emma told me yesterday” I breathed out starting to get dressed.

“fuck are you for real? It was mean to be a surprise when we went back there” he blew a hard breath out of his nose, it's a wonder a stream of smoke or fire didn't blow out as well.

I couldn't believe Josh was sitting there talking to our sister like nothing had ever happened, I felt a stab of betrayal as he wrapped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.

“hey Lilly” Annie grinned as if we were best friends.

“fuck off” I gritted, Josh looked at me stunned and I was even more pissed when she set her sights on Alex who was behind me.

“Zander, long time no see” she winked, what the fuck was that about?

My heart rate speeding up as every possible scene went through my head, how close were they exactly, have they slept together or do they talk still, did he even remember her?

“get out of my place now” Alex's thunderous voice roared through the apartment, a sigh of relief escaped my throat as my heart started going back to it's normal rate.

Annie stood, swaying her hips as she walked closer to us “come on Alex, if I remember correctly you used to love me being in your place, your room to be exact”

I didn't know what come over me, but I had one hell of an adrenaline rush and threw my fist flat into her face, she dropped to the floor and I actually think I may have knocked her out, I then turned and looked at Alex, if only I was taller because he would be getting my fist to his face as well.

“what the hell was that?” I narrowed in on him, ignoring Emma asking Josh if Annie was dead.

Alex went to take my hand but I pulled back “I swear nothing has happened with her” he reached out further gripping my wrist tightly

“that's what they all say” I murmuered.

“fuck Lilly, she's messing with your head, you didn't need to knock her unconsious” Josh sighed

“oh shut up, I can't believe your taking her side, after everything she did to me you just go back to her like that”

“she's our sister”

“no, she's your sister, after everything she did to me I don't even consider her family” I stared down at her, her long hair looking more messy than normal.

“Josh she made Lilly's life a living hell, do you know she slept with her ex's? Made fun of her dying boyfriend then kept taunting her over it?”

“no I didn't” he trailed off staring at the ground

“yeah well I have a hell of a lot more to say but I won't” she spoke low crossing her hands over her chest.

It took around fifteen minutes for her to wake up, the blood from her nose was dried up, I wouldn't let Alex lay his hands on that skanky bitch, I told him if he did then he would find himself alone a that alter.

Yes I know I need to stop threatening him with leaving him on our wedding day but I have nothing else to use against him, I cant use sex because I would cave and I love it to much with him.

“what happened?” Annie asked groggily looking at us all as she sat up “why does my nose hurt so bad?”

“Lilly punched you and you kind of went to sleep for a little bit” Emma spoke with a humor seeping through her voice.

“you hit me?” she shouted clutching her head

“you was coming onto Alex, your lucky I stopped after one punch” I shrugged

The room was silent, I was leaning in Alex's chest as he wrapped his arm around me, his steady breathing was the only thing keeping me from attacking my sister, I couldn't understand why the heck she was still even in here.

“so your engaged?” Annie asked eyeing the ring on my finger


“when is the wedding?” she questioned

“none of your business, what do you want?” I said more harsher than intended.

“I want the money that's owed to me you little spoilt bitch” she glared, I was shocked, I didn't expect her to go all gangster on me. It was a wonder she didn't have diamond grillz in her mouth with the way her head was bobbing to the side.

“what money?” Josh asked looking confused.

“mum and dad left me everything in the will, I would say that was fair for killing my baby” I stood up screaming loudly. I was mad, I was so mad that she had the nerve to come and ask for money, which really wasn't even that much.

“would be such a shame for the precious salon to get burnt to the ground” she stood stepping closer.

I did something crazy and stupid, I hit her again in the same spot and she fell back down, unfortunately she didn't become unconscious.

“you little slut” she screamed standing up and tacking me to the floor, we were full on scrapping.

Who was winning? I had no idea but I was to busy pulling her fake hair hard, she was screaming as she straddled me, her hands flapping everywhere as she slapped me, it was so funny watching her facial expression I just started laughing, I couldn't help it.

Was this what she looked like during sex?

That thought only made me laugh harder.

“I hate you, you are a bitch” she yelled as Alex and Josh decided to step in and pull her off me.

Emma thought she could join in as well and she slapped her hard across her face, then groaned when Annie's foot kicked her in the leg.

This was the most craziest thing to had ever happened to me lately, I mean seriously getting into a bitch fight with my sister in my boyfriends and brothers apartment wasn't what I had on today's agenda.

“she is crazy” Alex shook his head walking back inside.

You could still hear her screaming outside, Josh was the unlucky one who took her out and had to calm her down, for all we knew she was going to turn up and shoot us all, or kill us with her STD's, that one was actually more likely.

“still want to marry me?” I looked at him hopefully, I was still laying on the floor, to lazy to move and get up.

Alex kneeled down over me, sitting on my stomach “course I do, at least I know if I need to fight someone I can get my wife to do it since she kicks ass” he burst out laughing.

“yep I'm totally awesome, I've got ya back babe” I grinned cheekily wrapping my legs around his waist and pushing him over so I was now straddling him, well until he decided to tickle me.

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