Chapter Thirty Eight

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I fell down beside him “oh god you did, you slept with someone else” a loud cry escaped my mouth as I clasped a hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds of my crying.

Alex's head snapped up, his eyes red, watery and bloodshot as he knelt up on his knee's gripping my face roughly ans pulling me closer to him, I didn't have the energy to fight him “Lilly” he spoke with a cracked voice.

“I understand, I hid this from you and you were angry, I basically told you to do it” my whole body was shaking, I couldn't believe it, I blamed myself more than anything.

“baby listen to me” he spoke clearing his throat “I never slept with her, fuck I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole”

“but you was with her last night, and you didn't deny it just now” the tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

“I'm sorry” he closed his eyes.

“your lying, you wouldn't be this upset if nothing happened” I accused trying to push him off me.

“baby no I'm crying because of how I spoke to you, I cant believe I told you I would sleep with another woman, I would never hurt you like that, I broke my fucking vows to you already, what type of husband am I if I hurt you like that” he used his fingers to wipe more tears from his eyes.

I tackled him back to the ground before he could say anything else, slamming my lips over his as I dominated the kiss, I wouldn't let him pull away from me, I kissed out all the relief I felt in this moment, all the anger from the fight seeping away and the happiness coming back to me, his hands cupping the base of my neck as he started kissing me back just as furiously.

Pulling away as I needed to breathe otherwise I would have suffocated and I definitely didn't want that, I lent my head against his, resting gently “never fight again” I breathed out.

“never again baby” he assured me “and last night I got Jane fired”

my brows raised in surprise “what do you mean?”

“she said something about you and I snapped, I was already angry about our fight and I was in the middle of operating when she said it, I snapped, I almost killed someone Lilly, I had her fucking fired and she isn't coming back”

He must be feeling like crap, I know how much he hates it when a patient dies on him “I'm sorry, are they ok now?”

“yeah he's doing just fine”' he smiled tilting his head to the side and kissing me one last time before pulling away “as much as I would love to keep kissing you can we wait until we get home?”

“sounds good” I smiled moving off the top off him, yeah it probably isn't the best thing to be making out in a graveyard.

I sat up dusting my palms from the grass, sitting back in front of Jamie's grave stone, just a simple plaque Jamie Daniel Cole, loving son, brother and friend.

I took the flowers and placed them on top, Alex didn't say anything, he just gave me a kiss over the cheek, stood up and walked away towards a bench seat.

“hey James, another year since you've gone, a lot had happened since I was last here” I went on and on bout everything that had happened, Jamie knew all about the accident, I told him about loosing our babies and asked if he could watch over them, I have no idea how long I sat there for but it wasn't until four people walked towards me I stood up.

Jamie's parents, brother and sister.

“Lilly, it's good to see you again” Paul smiled holding out his arms to embrace me.

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