Chapter Twenty Six

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I watched Alex as he held the needle and wire, every time he went to come near my face I moved backwards and this had been doing on for the last five minutes.

“darling you need to keep still” he grinned

“promise it wont hurt?” I asked

“Lilly I promise it won't hurt, just let me do it” he grinned.

In the end I sat still and didn't feel a thing, yes I was being a sook for nothing but I was scared, Alex's hand brushed part of my hair back further, pushing it over to the side and moving forward slightly “where is the scar?”

I tiled my head to the side and lifted another part of my hair up showing him the faded mark “there” I pointed to it.

“fuck that's a decent scar, I have one on the opposite side” he bent to his knees and showed me his, it was very similar to mine, I traced my forefinger over it, it was in his hairline so very unnoticeable if you wasn't looking for it.

The door to the apartment opened and closed, Alex gave me a quick kiss before standing back up and starting to put his supplies back in his box, or more so medical case.

“dinners ready” Josh called out, at least he had the decency not to barge in on us.

I got off the bed and headed into the kitchen, Emma and Josh seemed to have ordered everything on the menu and the bottles of booze looked like they were throwing an all night bender.

“how much are you guys planning on drinking?” I asked darting my eyes back and forth between them and the bottles on the bench.

“we're celebrating, grab four shot glasses” Emma grinned taking out the plates.

“three” Alex's voice spoke behind us all “Lilly cant drink”

“why?” Emma pouted “come on let her have fun”

“she's on drugs that cant be mixed with alcohol or she's have a fit and go into a coma” he said in a steady voice, I turned and gave him a questioning look and he winked at me.

Ok so he was bullshitting her.

The funny part was Emma believed him 100%, she didn't even question him about it, Josh didn't even say anything and he must have known Alex was lying through his teeth.

“right lets eat” she grinned.

I was never ever eating again, seriously I was so effing full I could burst like the blue bird on shrek, leaning back in the chair and puffing my stomach right out I wondered what I would look like if I was nine months pregnant, would I even be able to sit at the table or would my belly be too big.

I started laughing at that thought, how silly was that thought.

“Lilly?” Josh looked at me like I was crazy.

“what the hell did you give her?” Emma asked staring at Alex who was staring at me like I had another head.

“sorry I am just super tired so I'm going to bed” I stood up taking my plate to the dishwasher and starting on the mess in the kitchen.

Emma walked in with the guys plates and I rolled my eyes “Em, seriously if you start cleaning for them then they will expect it every time” I whispered

“well fuck I didn't think about that” she slapped her own head sitting the plates on the bench

“we can hear you both you know” Josh called out

“yet your still on your fat ass in there” I yelled back out to him.

You could hear the laughing from them in the dining room, but like the good housewives we were, we cleaned up the kitchen, I was actually exhausted and still needed to do the clothing in the room.

Alex walked in the room and leaned against the door frame “what was so funny earlier on?”

I smiled remembering what I was thinking about “oh you know, I just wondered what I would look like being nine months pregnant”

“you would look even more beautiful, there would be more of you to love”

“aww aren't you a sweetheart, what are you sucking up for?” I placed my hands over my hips raising my brow and I gave him a questioning look.

He was definitely up to something to be this sweet.

“do you mind if I stay up for a bit?” Alex's arms snaked around my waist.

“no I will finish doing these clothes then go to sleep, I'm kind of really tired for some reason” I frowned letting out a yawn.

“yeah I kind of slipped a tablet in dinner” he burst out laughing

my jaw dropped, did he really just say that, “Alex are you kidding me?”

“sorry, I will make it up to you tomorrow” he kissed me then walked out of the closet, leaving me standing here speechless and stunned.

It took around thirty minutes for me to make Alex's room ours, my clothes hanging up, some photo's of us when we were younger sitting on the shelf, I placed a photo of me on his bedside table so he could look at me all the time, I even had one of him on my side, yes his room definitely had a touch of chick to it.

I climbed into the bed in my pjs and within seconds I was out like a light.

I had never slept so deep in my life, I didn't wake once and normally I was a light sleeper, I usually woke all through the night but last night heck, I didn't wake once at all.

“sleepyhead” I opened my eyes to Alex sitting beside me, he was fully dressed and looked like he had been up for ages.

My eyes widened as I realised what he done “you spiked my food”

“I was joking, don't tell me you think I was being serious?” he grinned tilting his head back and absolutely laughing his head off.

“why was I so tired for Alex, I had no energy, I even slept all night and that never happens”

“you slept all night when you was” his eyes went wide and a big grin spread across his face “your pregnant” he said quieter.

“as if, I would know if I was pregnant again” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I don't know, I didn't realise until I was seven weeks Alex, I think I would know if I was” I laid back in the bed closing my eyes and opening them again quickly “maybe I am pregnant, I mean the bleeding stopped and all, but I don't want to get your hopes up”

“let's wait a month and if your don't get your period then we'll take a test”

“we're getting married in a month, I don't have the energy to get out of bed, maybe I have a concussion from being hit in the face twice?” I suggested.

He laughed slightly “a concussion? Do you really think I would have let you sleep if I thought you could slip into a coma?”

“maybe” I smiled cheekily.

A hard look came across Alex's face “I can't believe you went out with him Lilly”

“please don't remind me” I yawned rolling on my side and snuggling into Alex.

When I woke for a second time the bedroom was empty and dark, I didn't feel well at all, I was hot and sweaty but shaking, feeling freezing cold at the same time.

“Alex” I called out, my voice was little stuffy.

I walked into the bathroom and flicked the light on, my eyes took a little bit to adjust to the light and when they my hand flew over my mouth.

No, this couldn't be happening, not again, no, no, no, no, no.

“Alex walked in and looked at me, shaking his head as his eyes filled with tears “fuck no, please no” he choked out as a sob broke through his voice.

All I hoped for was the bloody mess trickling down my thighs wasn't from another miscarriage, I couldn't deal with loosing yet another child of ours.

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