Chapter Thirty Six

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I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe some sick freak burnt down my work, I just could not believe someone could do something so awful to me.

I had visited the place I loved a week ago, completely gone, everything had been cleared out and cleaned up, I honestly had gone into a funk, I barely even left our apartment, Alex was reluctant to go back to work, he didn't want to leave me but like I told him, I didn't have a job to go too, he did and I didn't want him to stop working just because I was upset.

Everything in the building was gone, absolutely everything.

So to say I was devastated was a pretty good word right now.

The police were investigating or so they told me, I actually had to go into the police station and they questioned me like I was a suspect and accused me of doing it for the insurance money, Alex almost got thrown in jail for grabbing the cop by his collar and pushing him hard in to the wall, it was only lucky that the sergeant was a good friend of Alex's and was at our wedding.

Also another thing that had gotten me slightly down was Jamie's death anniversary, he died 3 years ago tomorrow, Emma knew about it but I hadn't told Alex yet, I didn't know how to bring it up to him without hurting his feelings.

It wasn't like I was still in love with him, I was well and truly over him but his death still got to me, each year I had gone to the cemetery and placed yellow daffodils over his grave, they were they flowers he had always brought me each week, all on random days so I didn't know when to expect them. It just seemed appropriate to do that for him, to let him know I still cared and thought about him even though he lost his battle with cancer.

I had a text from Alex when I picked my phone up to see if anyone had called, I was hoping maybe the police had left a message but obviously not, come have lunch with me at 1?

I suppose I should, I mean I was being lazy as hell around the house and all the cleaning had been done alright xx. I replied to him.

I had a quick shower and knocked on Emma's bedroom door, she was just as depressed as I was “hey I'm going to have lunch with Alex”

“ok, have a good time” she looked up from her pillow then laid back down.

I closed her door back up and made my way to the hospital, the fresh air hitting my face as I walked to the entrance doors.

Alex was waiting for me at the bottom steps, an elder lady was giving him a hug and kept thanking him over and over again, his surgery he had this morning must have gone really well.

“hey” I spoke once he was free from the little old lady.

“didn't think you'd actually show” he took hold of my hand leading us towards the cafeteria.

“nothing else to do” I muttered hoping he didn't hear me.

Unfortunately he did and just gave me a weak smile and head shake.

“how's your morning been?” he asked as we took a seat.

“same as yesterday, I don't know what to do Alex”

“well why don't we buy another building and you can re build” he had a point, I mean it wasn't as if I hadn't thought of doing that, it was just going to cost a lot and would take sometime to get it up and running.

“I'm serious Lilly”

“I know you are, I just don't know right now, I'm tired and depressed, just let me be like this for a bit” I asked, I wanted to wallow about in self pity for a little while longer.

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