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After three hours with a split hour break I was all caught up in school work and home work. I even done a few extra essays and such for extra credit. I've decided to quit cheerleading. Not that I've told Caitlin or xavier about that so much. But I think after all I've missed I don't want to fall behind too much because all though I've been told I've been accepted into osu, it doesn't mean that won't be revoked because I haven't achieved the grades they expect. It's just about time to put myself first and let everyone else do what ever it is they want to do. Let Gabi be head cheerleader, let Caitlin finally show off her cheer skills or maybe she finally try's out for the volleyball or soccer team. She's so good at sports but she was so worried that because I went for cheerleading I would just leave. But I tried that twice and look what happened. Anyway I feel it's only right to let her do it. It's almost Christmas and well for the winter dance I want her to be able to not go for guys who are either a jock or just plain mad hot because she may not know it yet but I know they aren't her types. At all. Although if they're a jock and/or are hot then hey it's a bonus.
And Xavier well. I'm not getting rid of him anytime soon. I just wish I could work out things with daddy before I leave for college in a few months. But unless magic is real in this world. That may never happen. I got up off the bed and grabbed a towel from the closet and headed to the bathroom. I got in the shower. It's where I do my best thinking. I got out the shower when I was all freshened up and looked into the mirror. I saw me yet I didn't. The girl I saw looked ready to face life's obstacles. She looked strong. All her cuts healed. Left were barley noticeable scars. Even the ones on her arms were so small it was as if they weren't there. My grey eyes were bright. Had a slight sparkle in them. My curls were back to there natural state. Well slightly as they were wet. I sighed. "That can't be me.." I whispered to myself. I unlocked the door and went to step out when I saw Caitlin's dad there. "Oh! Sorry Chyna. Didn't realise it was you in there." He said with a smile. I smiled back. "It's fine." He stepped sideways so I could get through and get changed in Caitlin's room. "Chyna, once your all dressed and what not, would you mind coming to my study?" I nodded. "Sure why?" He sighed. "You'll see." I just nodded and headed to Caitlin's room. As I got through the door Caitlin groaned in frustration. I looked over at her bed where she was sitting and saw she was still surrounded with books. "Oh, sorry Chyna. It's just I. Hate. Algebra!" I laughed and nodded. I went to her bureau and opened my draw. Yes I'm round hers so much I have my own draw that has my clothes in. I got a tank top and holister sweatpants with blue fluffy socks on -of coarse after putting on my underwear-. I towel dried my hair and made my way to Caitlin's dads study. I knocked on the door and entered when he said come in. "So what can I do for you?" I asked. He motioned for my go sit down on the brown couch. I looked around as he sat on the couch opposite me. "Chyna you know my job right?" I nodded as I looked at his diploma. He was a therapist. "Right so you realise I can see through your facade of being fine. I must say though you have a good poker face." I sat there and realised what he was trying to do. "I thank you, but honestly I don't want to talk about anything. I don't need to." He gave me a look to say he didn't believe me. "Honestly Mr Raven, I am fine. Better than fine. I feel so much more like myself now than I think I have ever. But if I ever feel the need to talk, you and Mrs Raven will be the first I come to. I promise." He nodded and we both stood up. Just as I was about to walk to the door I was pulled into a hug. He hugged me tight. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love you like my own daughter and I just want the best for you girls." I hugged him back as I fought back tears. "Thank you!" I whispered. With that I left the study and walked to Caitlin's room. When I entered I saw Caitlin was no longer in there. I swapped my fluffy socks to normal socks. I put my running sneakers on and a sweatshirt on over my tank top. I grabbed my phone and earphones, plugging them in I put on a random playlist on. Just as I came down the stairs I was met with Xavier. "Hey princess, listen I've got to go home now. But i will pick you and Caitlin up in the morning." I nodded and gave him a kiss and hug goodbye. I walked outside with him. I text Caitlin that I was going for a run.

I don't know how long I was running for but I ended up outside my school. Which was an hour away from where Caitlin's house by car so I'd say I've been running for at least an hour. There were a couple of cars scattered throughout the parking lot. I leant on the railings of the school fence when a certain car caught my eye. It was daddy's. What would he be doing here. I walked through the gates of the school and made my way to the main office to see the headmistress Mrs Fern with daddy. I cleared my throat to make it known I was standing there. They both turned to me. "Miss Ja'Nieve? What are you doing here? We weren't expecting to see you till tomorrow according to your father. Says you've had some personal family issues to sort out." I nodded eyeing up daddy. "Something like that Mrs Fern. Dad what are you doing here?" I hadn't even realised how normal I had actually said dad. No venom. No hatred. Just dad. He gave a small smile and in his eyes I saw the regret. I think me and him will need to talk. A very long, emotional yet well needed talk. "Ch-Chyna," he started before clearing his voice. "I was just asking Mrs fern if you will still be aloud to sit your finals with all the absences. And she has promised you can. She has also agreed to any tutoring you may need in case they're are any subjects where you may have fallen behind. And I will be paying any extra costs that will be taken invade of these." He never took his eyes of me as he spoke. "I feel I need to start giving back to the school who had made you into the strong, beautiful, intelligent girl you are today. Your mother would be so proud of you.." He trailed off. I could see him fighting back the tears. Just as I was too. I didn't think before reacting. I ran up to him and hugged him tight. He hugged me back just as tight. "I will leave you two to it." I heard Mrs Fern say with a soft voice. "I-I'm so sorry Chyna. Everything you said in my office and in the car it's all true." I heard in voice he was crying but what confirmed it was the shaking off his chest as we stood in the embrace. "When your mother died I should have been there for you! I should have stayed at the hospital with you. Help you grieve. I'm so stupid. Ever since you've been gone I've not touched one drink. I've lived on coffee and water. I've cleaned the entire house sixteen times. I've cried myself to sleep. I'm sorry Chyna. P-please find it in your h-heart to forgive me. I will do anything to make it up to you." I looked up and saw the tears falling so freely. He looked so broken. You could see he hasn't shaven in the time I've been gone. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. His hair was a mess. He wasn't in a suit but just casual jeans and black t-shirt. But what I saw in his eyes was regret and truth. I was about to speak when he said one thing I didn't think even he would admit. "I'll even confess to the police, as long as you forgive me." I stepped back and stood silent. "Please Chyna? Say something!" He pleaded. "I-I-I can't loose you a-gain!" My voice broke on the last word. I couldn't hold the tears anymore. All I wanted was my daddy.

Author's note

Wow. Emotional. Lol again I'm bad at updating on time. But none the less I have to admit something. This is a short story and alas it must come to an end.
All I'm saying is there isn't much chapters left. 4 at most.
So I want to a massive Thank you to all the readers. I hope you enjoy the last few chapters.

Love chey x

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