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When we got out side there was a few workers outside having a cigarette. "Ready girls?" I asked. They both nodded, simultaneously. I laughed. We got out the car and made our way in. Once in we took our shoes off and started to bounce on the trampolines. Iv needed this; just some fun away from home. With my girl and new girl. "Guys iv gotta use the bathroom." I announced bouncing to the edge. "I'll come with." I heard shannon say, i just nodded. "Are you okay?" Shannon asked as we stepped into the bathroom. I nooded entering the stall and doing my buisness. I heard shannon do the same. We both came out the stalls at the same time. Wewashed our hands and then i turned to shannon. I took a deep breath. "Do you like living here?" I asked her. she shrugged. "I've thought about running. But I have no where to go." I nodded. "Before what happened to me, it was gonna run. But I just ended up nearly dead instead." I said with a dry laugh. Shannon gave me a knowing look. I took a shaky breath. "Tomorrow me and Caitlin are going to Santa Monica pier, well more the beach then a theme park." As we walked out the bathroom I bumped into someone, he was one of the jocks from the ice cream shop. "What are you doing here, suicide girl?" He spat looking at Shannon. She put her head down. "She's with me, what's it to you?" He looked down at me as I said it. "What is a smoking hot girl, hanging around with a ugly little piece of shit who try's to kill herself?" I side looked at Shannon and saw her pulling a hoodie on that was around her waist. Which I never noticed before. I smiled at the douche standing in front of me. "Not this." I said before kicking him in the gut. "Talk, touch, look or even breath ruddily at her and you won't ever see what the sunlight looks like ever again!" I promised before linking arms with Shannon then made our way back to Caitlin. "Can you drop me at school?" Shannon asked quietly. I smiled at the thought that flew into my mind. "Fine but we're coming in." Caitlin looked at me weirdly. I mouthed, 'tell you later' she nodded. "Sure, we'll come." She said. That's the thing I loved about her. She was so understanding and patient. I hugged her then we made our way to the exit. As we walked to the door, I saw the dude who I kicked in the gut. He just gave me a dirty look, holding his stomach. Good. Karma is right old bitch. I laughed and told Caitlin what went down and why we're going to her school. Shannon was driving. When the car stopped I saw we were outside a very modern building. It was marble with large shiny windows. In bold letters is said the schools name in the middle. 'West Wolf High School'. "This is nice!" Caitlin said. "This is your school?" I asked shannon, she gave a small smile and nodded. Wow!
We walked to through the doors and went to the front desk. "Miss Frans! Where have you been all morning!" Before Shannon could talk I stepped in. "Hello, sorry that would be my fault. Me and my sister Caitlin, are Shannon's cousin and we just flew in. Her mom doesn't like my mom so it was only her who picked us up." The receptionist smiled. "We was wondering if we could be in her classes for the rest of the day?" Caitlin asked nicely. "Hmm...well normally no, but as your here, sure. I will just email the teachers that your here. Well lunch should be finished by now, so if you grab a bite to eat, then head to gym." I took the sheet of paper as did Caitlin. We thanked her and headed to the gym as we had food on the way here. When we got to the girls locker room. Everyone stopped and stared at us. "Who the hell are you?" I looked over at the fake barbie. Typical, I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bench. Blonde hair, caked on make up. "I'm real, not fake." Everyone done the ooh. I rolled my eyes and changed my white shoes to some spare ones I found. They were old huaraches. They were ok. We went into the gym where you saw the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, and the loners. Wow, could this school get anymore stereotypical? Just then the whistle blew. I saw none other than my old cheer coach when I went to summer cheer camp. "Mrs Barbara?" I asked. She turned and smiled. "Is that chyna from camp back in 09?" I laughed and nodded. "I'm now captain of my cheer squad back home, at school." I hugged her. "Right kiddies!" Everyone groaned at the nickname. "Dodgeball, Farah and Blake, captains. For those who don't know this is chyna and Caitlin. They will be joing us today. Farah go." They took turns me and Caitlin got picked by black as the first two people. Shannon was last and had to go Farah -A.K.A fake barbie-. "Fine I'll have the suicidal skramp." She huffed. I frowned, but the smirked. Caitlin looked at me and with one look at me then Farah and her wannabe gang. She smirked and nodded. Shannon got hit on the arm. Me and Caitlin were the last two with Blake. Farah and her 5 wannabe's were left. Farah was able to get Blake. "What you gonna do now?" She sarcastically said. Me and Caitlin were able to dodge their balls and get the 5 little bitchs out. "And then there was one." Caitlin said in Koch sadness. At the same time we threw the ball at the fake tarts head and stomach. "Blake's team wins." Mrs Barbara said. We all went to the lockers and everyone got changed. Before Shannon could put the hoodie back on I rapped it round her waist. "My my arms!" She said. I shrugged and then showed her mine. She hesitated then nodded. "You BITCH!" I turned to Farah. "I hope for your fake sake that your not talking to me?" I asked. She screwed her face in attempt to give a dirty look but her drawn on eyebrows made her look like she was constipated. "Well I'm not talking to that whore." She said in Shannon's direction. That was it. I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her outside into the halls where everyone was. "I HOPE EVERYONE IS LISTENING. ANY, AND I MEAN ANY, OFF YOU LOW LIFE LOSERS SAY ONE MORE THING ABOUT SHANNON, I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE SIRE YOU REGRET IT AND TO PROVE MY POINT," I let go of Farah's hair, she tried to slap me but I grabbed her wrist and gave her a dead leg making her fall to the ground. "Now, who were you talking to." I spat at her. She mumbled something, "what?" I asked. She huffed. "No one." I smiled and headed to Shannon's next lesson. Psychology. The last lesson went fast and we were made our way back to the hotel. "Thanks for today, chyna and Caitlin. I'm gonna miss you both, so much!" She gave us both a hug. "Oh my god how am I gonna give you your clothes back?" She asked. I looked at Caitlin and she nodded. "Actually, you can keep them. Neither of us could make them work." I laughed. "But we want you to come with us." She sat down. "What?"

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