Its my fault

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Louis's words stung. It was the last thing he said to me before I left him three months ago. And now? I felt a lump in my throat and I couldn't do it again. I couldn't bare the pain. The scars, the tears, the sleepless nights. I couldn't do it again. I did my best to not look into his eyes but I failed. I looked into them. The saw pair of eyes I had fell in love with.
"We aren't together anymore Lou," he whispered looking down at the ground.
"We can be," he pleaded.
I got up from the bed and walked out. Just like that I was losing him again.
"Please don't come looking for me again Lou," I said leaving the apartment. I ran outside into the crisp air and found a bench near a park. I needed time.
Louis pov
she left. Again. My heart ached but the same bumming feeling came over me. I walked over to her fridge which had been liked up with beer bottles. I grabbed one and popped the cap off and chugged it down. I set down the now half empty bottle and ran into her room. I rummaged through her bag until I found her sketch pad. I turned to the page of us. But this time it wasn't there. It had been torn out. The following page had been a shadow of a girl in the corner. Her knees were up against her cheers and her hair had been covering her small face. I knew she drew what she felt. I was walking out of the room when i saw a crumpled up page in the trash. I opened it up and it was the drawing of us. I held it close to me before I went outside looking for her once again. I spotted a bench at a park nearby and it was her. Crying. I felt terrible but I didn't know what else to do. I sat down next to her and handed her the drawing. She looked and the drawing and then up at me.
"Why do you have this? She sniffled.
"Don't throw what we had away."
Vicks pov
I put my head on his shoulder and didn't know what to do.
"Louis. It's just not right," I sighed. The words pained me but it was for the best.
"Vicky I love you more than anything. I can't bare to be without you!"
I looked up into his eyes and saw exactly what he meant. I followed my heart and leaned in. We shared a small passionate kiss but broke away before things got too heated.
"Does that mean your forgive me?" He smiled.
"What do you think?" I winked standing up.
I started walking back but he just sat back on the bench not moving.
"Well?" I asked.
"What?" He chucked.
"Are you coming?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
He got up and intertwined our hands together as if they were meant to be.
The next day I moved back to London and met up with all of the boys. They were glad to have me back but got mad at Louis for suddenly leaving like that. I laughed as Harry chased Louis around the flat and Niall enjoying the warm pancakes.
"So are you too back together?" Harry cheekily grinned.
Louis raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged.
"I mean I forgave him but I'm not sure I want a relationship right now."
Louis dropped his smiled. It hurt me that he wanted something more but after everything I have been through I just wasn't ready.
"I promise I'm going to do whatever it takes to win you back," he said putting his arms around my waist.
I giggled at this statement and slipped out of his arms and next to Niall.
I tried to get one but he swatted my arm away and growled at me. I threw my hand in the hair lush hung hysterically and noticed that Liam wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Hey where's Liam?" I asked scanning the room.
"With his new girlfriend," Harry snickered.
"And what happened to Zayn?"
The boys tensed up at his name and hung their heads.
"He isn't in the band anymore. He left for his fiancé."
I nodded my head and made sure not to bring it up again.
I headed up the stairs and realized this isn't the same flat that I was in before. Just the same styles.
"Your room is over there," Louis said pointing to the end of the hall.
I thanked him before entering my newly decorated room. The walls were painted a navy blue with white outlining and everything had been in perfect condition. My acoustic guitar had been in its case and propped up against the wall next to my bed. I admired the room and headed in the bathroom. It had polished tile flooring the glimmered in the light and lighting that had been perfect for doing makeup. The shower had been twice the size of my old one with see through glass and a fancy shower head. The bath was nicely cleaned and I was very thankful for everything. I didn't bother looking in my walk in closet knowing well enough that Liam's new girlfriend had probably helped out with the wardrobe. I jumped onto the bed and groaned.
I ended up falling asleep still in the same outfit as the day before and woke up to yelling from downstairs.
I checked the clock and it was already noon. How long did I sleep for?? I shook the thoughts out of my head and listened in on the conversation downstairs. I recognized it to be Louis and Liam but what had they been quarreling about?
"I love her!" Louis screamed.
"Yeah! That's why she ran off for three months!" Liam shot back.
"At least I got her back here!"
"After tearing her apart!!!" I could just see the veins popping out of Liam's neck.
"That's it! I have had it with you! You weren't there for her for most of her life! Suddenly you feel like you can just walk in and control her?!" Louis was enraged and I knew he would punch Liam if he had the chance.
"Don't you dare say anything like that to me! If you love her than you will never date her again! You will let her love again! And more importantly you will let her live her life without feeling like she belongs to you!" Liam had reached his last straw.
At first I didn't hear anymore yelling but then I heard glass break. And the some more. And then some more.  I bolted out of bed and ran down the stairs. Both boys were covered in each others blood as well as their own and had been punching each other. I ran to them and tried to stop it but I got shoved a few times and didn't know what to do. I ran back up to get help from the other guys but I guess Harry and Niall had gone out so I was left alone with them.
"Stop it!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Apparently that wasn't enough and they didn't stop fighting. Louis and Liam and both fell to the floor unconcious in a pool of their own blood. I was scared and started to call the ambulance. They got to the flat quickly and rushed them to the hospital in two separate vehicles. I rode in the back and stayed with Liam and cried the whole way there. I texted the boys to let them know what had happened and they replied shortly saying they would meet me there. Once we had finally arrived the doctors rushed them both to surgical room and I had to stay behind in the waiting room. The worst 16 hours of my life were sitting in the waiting room and waiting for news on either one of them. Finally a doctor came out and took his scrub cap off. He came over to me and started talking about Liam's medical condition. I couldn't comprehend a word that had been said and I looked lost.
"What?" I shook my head not understanding the medical terms.
"Liam is in a very critical condition.  Since you are blood related we might have a match," he explained.
"A match for what?"
"Liam needs a kidney transplant."
Ik it's not great but eh ur still reading so it can't be that bad :) if u have any requests tell me
Stay beautiful my lovelies

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