Just another day

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Vicky's POV

"Louis," I said in a small voice.
"Yes love?"
"Can you send Liam in?" I asked.
He nodded as he got out if the room. A few moments later Liam slowly entered and sat down next to me.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"Don't be," he said.
Before I could say anything else a nurse barged in and started talking.
"Ms. Payne how do you feel?" She faked a smile.
"Fine." I answered.
"Are you sure?"
"Well yeah. It's my body. Unless you have the power to know what in feeling," I snapped.
Liam glared at me raising an eyebrow. I sighed and tried not to say anything rude. Which was very hard.
"Mr. Payne can you please come outside and full out some paperwork?"
He go up and left the room for me to change. I got up and grabbed my duffle bag before heading into the bathroom. I stripped down from the hospital gown and put on a ripped pair of black jeans and a black sweater. I then put on my combat boots which also happen to be black before Putting on eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed the rest of my stuff and headed out. As I walked into the waiting room I was being surrounded by a bunch of childish boys cheering that I was okay. I laughed as I saw a black can pull in front of the hospital. I followed behind Liam and got into the van. Paul was driving and Liam was sitting next to him. I wishes to be next to Liam but at this point I was too tired to care. I fell asleep throughout the whole car ride. I guess they lads didn't want to wake me up because when I awoke later I was in my bed. I was wearing my black pajamas and was snuggled with my pillow. I got up and wondered who changed me. This flat was filled with guys. I felt violated and got up to go down stairs to get something to eat.
"Oh good your awake," Harry smiled.
"Mhm" I nodded. "Hey uhh where is everyone else?"
"They went to go get food," Harry answered.
"You didn't go?" I asked.
"well we didn't want to leave you alone and Liam didn't trust Louis and Zayn in the same car," Harry laughed.
I nodded and sat down next to Harry who was scrolling through his twitter.
"Wow... People are obsessed with you," I thought aloud.
"Who wouldn't," he smirked.
"Why are you so grumpy?" Harry asked.
"I'm not grumpy. I'm an original," I answered. "Everyone fakes being somebody. I'm honest no matter what and I don't care what the world thinks of me."
"That's kinda beautiful."
"Yeah well Liam doesn't think so. And norther does anyone else."
"I thought you didn't care what others thought," Harry teased.
"I don't. But if I won't change why don't they just let me be?"
"Because they care."
"No." I coldly answered. "It's because they think I have some sob story. I chose my decisions in life and I stand by them."
Before Harry could answer the front door swung open and Louis ran in.
"HELP!" He screeched jumping next to me.
I threw him off the couch and went back upstairs.
"Is she in a bad mood?" Liam asked.
I didn't hear Harry answer hit I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't care. I went into my room and slammed the door shut.
"Vicky," Liam called from the other side if the door.
I didn't answer. I climbed into bed and shut my eyes. I heard the doorknob turn slowly but didn't dare move.
"Vicky please," Liam whispered.
"Please what?!" I bolted upright.
"What's wrong?" He asked in a soft voice.
"In misunderstood. People think they know me but the don't. They think I'm some sob story. I'm not. I made my own decisions and I am okay with them. If I can live with what I did why can't you? Why can't anyone? Why does everyone kier bugging me about my past? Nobody ever cares. They just want something to know. They want to pretend they care just so they can throw me under the bus!" I exploded.
Liam didn't say anything. He came over to the bed and held me.
"I care," he whispered.
I cried. I hated to feel weak but I couldn't help myself. My eyes turned into a waterfall I couldn't stop. All the years I had kept inside for seventeen years were coming out. (I'm changing the time and ages to go with the story... DONT JUDGE ME 😣) (lol jk 😋)
"Let it all out," he whispered.
I dug into his chest and cried. And cried. And cried. Nothing more.
Finally after hours of trying to stop I stopped.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"No," I frowned.
"Do you want to be alone?" He asked.
"No," I coughed.
"Come here," he took me in again. "I'm glad I found you. In glad your step parents gave you our address I don't care if they kept you longer because they wanted the money. I am just glad to have you back."
"Did you know?" I asked sitting up.
"Know what?"
"That you had a twin? Dd you know about me?" I asked.
"Well no. My- our parents always said that I had a twin but they never bothered finding out what happened."
"What about you?" I asked.
"I looked everywhere."
I nodded.
"Do you want to talk about your past?" He asked.
"I don't know," I answered truthfully.
"Well when you are sure you can always talk to me. Or anyone of us."
I nodded and he led me back down. I saw the guys on the couch staring at the tv which was off. They heard us come down and rushed beside us.
"Are you okay?" Harry spoke up.
"Was it something I said?" He asked.
"Or something I did?" Louis added.
"No. I just don't think I can trust anyone right now. And remembering my past caught me off guard," I admitted.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Niall asked.
"That would be cool," I said.
"What movie?" Zayn asked.
"Horror?" I suggested.
"No no no no!!!" Niall screamed heading into the kitchen with Louis right behind him.
"I'm cool with that," Zayn answered.
"Good it's settled then horror it is," I smiled.
"How?" Louis screamed.
"Haha I'm joking," I laughed.
"Why don't we watch the notebook?" Harry suggested.
"Because this night is supposed to be fun not Boring," I joked. "Yeah you guys can watch what you want I don't care."
"No. You need to agree on the movie," Liam said.
We ended up watching the notebook because of Harry. I didn't mind and watched the movie since I never watched it.
"Are you serious?!" Harry yelled during the movie.
"What?" I asked.
"How have you never seen this movie?!"
"I don't know. I never really watched movies. I spent my time alone mostly."
"Why?" Louis whispered.
"Because I made the wrong choices and I found out nobody really cared bout me," I whispered.
"Now you have five people who care about you more than anyone in the world," he smiled.
"I'm tired," I whispered.
"Of what the movie?" He chuckled.
"Yeah. It's kinda boring. I mean yeah it's nice and all but not my type," I admitted.
"What do you want to do?" He whispered.
Before I knew it the movie was paused and all eyes were on us.
"Will you two shut up?" Harry asked.
"Nope," I stated.
Louis couldn't help but start laughing uncontrollably.
"Go to your room if you don't want to see the movie!" Liam demanded.
"Fine," I mumbled getting up and skipping the steps until u reached to the top. I went into my room and plopped down onto my bed. My phone buzzed but I was too lazy to check who it was so I turned on the tv in my room and flipped through the channels. My phone buzzed again and I got really annoyed. I grabbed my phone and looked at the two messages. I couldn't believe my eyes. This was not supposed to happen. My past was becoming my future.

CLIFFHANGER I know this chapter was weird. It got published before I finished so I just kept I dating whenever I got the chance. Next one will be better I swear
Stay beautiful my lovelies XOXO❤️

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