Dont say goodbye

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Louis's POV
I looked at the picture for a long time. Studied the small features and details.
"Flawless," I whispered to myself.
"It's not that great," she frowned.
"Don't say that. It's beautiful. Like you."
"I'm not Louis. I'm broken."
"But your fixable. Look how far you have come. When we first met you hated us. And now?"
"Look Louis. I don't want to hurt you. I can't keep doing this," she had tears in her eyes. But she pushed them back not wanting them to fall.
"I can be your superhero."
"No Louis. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you."
"The only way you could hurt me is by leaving me."
"You know to much!" She blurted.
"What?" My voice softened.
"You know too much about my past. You have seen my drawings. Nobody knows about these. I just can't. I can't get close to anybody anymore. Not since Donny."
"I'm different," I was about to cry.
"That's what Donny said," she was crying now.
I didn't know what to do. I put the sketch pad back on the bed and started to get up.
"If this is what you want," I said leaving the room. I shut the door behind me and went into my room. I cried that night. And every night after that. I just wanted to be with her. I loved her. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I was torn. I didn't get out of my room for anything. Not even food.
"Mate?" Liam softly said walking in.
I didn't answer. I was to torn and my face was smashed into my pillow. He helped me sit up and my face was red and had tears everywhere.
"You need to get a grip," Liam said.
"What I need is to be with Vicky!" I cried.
"Well she is gone."
I stood upright. "What?"
"She left the next day."
"Where did she go?"
"Back home."
"Her foster parents?"
"I think she is with Donny."
"Louis calm down."
"She can't go back to Donny! He doesn't love her!"
"Mate please."
"I can't Liam! I can't! She means way to much to me!" There was a burning pain in my heart. "Can I go see her?"
"I don't know," Liam said handing me a letter. She left you a letter.
"Did she leave you one?"
"No. I took her over to Donny's the morning after your breakup.
"She hasn't been here all week?"
Liam nodded slowly and then left the room. I tossed the letter somewhere in my room not caring. How could she? She left without saying goodbye! She left... I couldn't deal with it. Why? Why did she run off? Was she scared? Scared that she might actually be in love? What? Days went by and I still never came out of my room. The guys tried cheering me up hut nothing worked. They came by my room with food once in a while but I barely ate. I wasn't hungry all I wanted was to know how Vicky was. I barely slept. The boys were worried about me. I wasn't the same Louis. I was different. I was home alone one day and decided to finally get out of bed. I didn't want to but I wanted to read the letter. I got out of bed and found the letter. I got back in my bed and slowly opened up the envelope.
Dear Louis,
I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. I didn't know how serious we would get. I love you. But I can't. I can't because I don't want to hurt you. I'm too scared to get close to anyone else anymore. I'm to broken and torn down to ever be loved. I'm like a worn out doll. I have scars and I have marks. They aren't beautiful. I can't love somebody who doesn't know. I can't love somebody who doesn't know what they are getting into. I am not the same. I have been raped. I have been beaten. I have been through the worst Louis. I guess Donny is the only one who knows what I have been through. I know I don't like Donny and neither do you but he understands me in a way that you will never be able to understand. I'm sorry for breaking your heart. This hurts me so much and I wish this wasn't the answer. But it is. In sorry. I'm with Donny and I think I will be fine. Please don't come find me. It's for the best. You can still contact me if you like. You have my number. And I hope we can still be friends. But please. I won't be able to see you without crying. I want you to live your life like the way you lived before you met me. When nothing was so messed up it couldn't be fixed. I love you.

My heart broke. She couldn't have. I won't believe it. She loved me and yet she thins Donny is the one? No! I will find you Vicky. This is my promise. I will find you and make you mine. I won't give up on you. I won't give up on us.

Vicky's POV (the scene from her view)

Louis left me room and I balled my eyes out. I loved Louis so much that it hurt. But by staying here I was hurting him. I rummaged through my thins and packed everything. As I came down stairs I thought everyone would be asleep so I could sneak out but Liam was down.
"What are you doing?" Liam asked me.
"I can't stay here any long!" I cried softly.
"Please give Louis this letter."
"Wait!" He grabbed my hand.
"What Liam? This is so hard. But I need to do this. Please don't try stopping me."
"I won't stop you. But come here," he took my hand in his and led me over towards the kitchen.
"Liam what are you doing?"
"Before you leave you should have some hot cocoa and talk."
I sipped the hot cocoa slowly and waited for Liam to sit down.
"Why are you leaving?" He asked.
"Because I have gotten to close."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I love Louis too much to see. Him get hurt."
"Why do you need to hurt him?"
"Because. He knows too much about me. U have told him too much," I sighed.
"And why is that a bad thing?"
"Because Liam! I feel so vulnerable. I am broken and have been torn up piece by piece. By staying away I'm just doing him a favor."
"Promise me one thing?"
"Promise me you will take care of yourself. Promise me that you will come and visit. Don't leave Lou hanging. I wasn't really fond of you two dating. But he made me think otherwise. Just please don't forget about him. And keep in touch."
"I promise. And leaving Louis hurts me much more than it could ever hurt him."
"Will you let me take you wherever you are going?"
I nodded and we headed out to his car.
"Where to?"
I want to go to Donny's," I stuttered.
"Are you sure?"
I shook my head and he drove off. We finally got there and I said goodbye. I couldn't help but cry. I didn't get out of the car for a very long time. I couldn't. It hurt.
"I love you," I whispered giving Liam a hug.
"I love you too."
We finally get out of the car and he helped me get my things out of the car. I got to the front door with Liam and he rang the bell. Two minutes later Donny appeared.
"Hey doll!" His words were slurred.
Liam looked at me unconvinced.i nodded reassuring him and he went with it.
"I'm staying. For good." I smiled hugging him.
Liam helped me get my things Ito the house as well as Donny. After all my stuff was at Donny's Liam slowly left. I gave Donny a hug and stayed therefor a moment.
"Wait!" I yelled.
I ran to the door and swung it open. I ran to Liam's car and stopped him from backing out. He got out of the car and came over to me.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"Please give Louis this," I said handing him the letter I wrote for Louis and my sketch pad.
With that I went back inside. I looked out through the window to see my either slowly pull out of the drive way and drive away.
"I'm staying down here until your sober," I told Donny.
"Deal," he smirked.
As Donny walk up the stairs I got settled on the couch. I looked at my phone hoping for a text from Louis but nothing. I spent weeks just sitting in the couch motionless on the couch waiting.
"Are you coming for bed?" Donny asked.
I nodded, "I'm so glad you stopped drinking."
He smiled and helped me upstairs. I was broken.
My phone started buzzing and I received a text. I quickly checked it hoping for it to be from Louis. It wasn't. It was from Liam. That was good enough. I opened the message and it was a video. Of Louis. I played the video and saw Louis. My heart broke seeing him. He was there and I wasn't there.
"If I'm broken would you see me!? Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs in pain. Then he broke down and started crying. That made me cry ten times harder.
"Why don't I take you back?" Donny asked.
"I have no choice!" I cried. "He knows practically everything."
"And when is that such a bad thing? Go back. He loves you way more than I could ever love you Vicks."
I nodded and headed upstairs.
"Tomorrow?" I asked.
"Tomorrow," he smiled.

Hope you liked it!!! I'm updating way more than I feel like I would. YAY
Stay beautiful my lovelies XOXO❤️

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