His Diary(Dylas x Frey)

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      After Dylas left for work in the morning, Frey began to clean. She walked around the room, picking up the things she saw on the floor. Mostly trash and clothes, but one item caught her eye. A small book with brown cover, barely seen from under the bed she shared with her husband. She had seen him writing in it before, but not often. But she was curious about what he had written in it...

     Looking around, as if afraid she would get caught by someone hidden in the room, she slowly walked towards the little journal. She picked it up and opened it, glancing around again. Then, she began to read.

I don't want to use this, but Porcoline gave it to me as a gift. It's the least I can do, considering he gave me a home and a job. Also, he was begging me to use it all week long. So I guess I have to.

That one girl that "saved" me visits a lot. She always tries to talk to me. I don't know why. I push her away every time. But she comes back. Apparently she's a princess. Being saved by a princess... And she's so small and dainty too! It's embarrassing... Maybe she'll leave me alone one of these days...


She's still coming. But I'm pretty used to it by now. I learned she has no memory either. I wonder why she's always so happy though. We're almost the same. But she always smiles. Me? I never smile.

I helped her fish today. She didn't know how before and I taught her. I don't really know how I know how, seeing as I have no memories... Maybe I did it before.

I know everyone in town now. Margaret, Kiel, Forte, Lin Fa, Xiao Pai, Porco, Arthur, Vishnal, Volkanon, Clorica, Amber, Illuminata, Granny Blossom, Bado, Venti, that pebble brained dwarf, Doug, and her. Oh, and Nancy and Dr. Jones. Well, I think that's everyone... I'm pretty sure... I'm not really good with the names yet.

I heard that I was once a monster. She defeated me and I turned human. She said it was the hardest battle she had ever fought. Nancy said she was at the clinic more times than she could count. I hurt her. And I don't even remember it... But she seems okay. Maybe it's not as bad as I think it is.


Arthur has such an obsession with glasses.... Almost as bad as Porco with food. But nothing will get as bad as that. Porco has something much worse than a food obsession.

It's weird. She hasn't come by lately. I heard she out fighting some kind of monster. Whenever I see her, she looks exhausted. But she still smiles at me. But I worry. Was it worse when I was a monster? Was it this hard for her? Did I really hurt her this much?


Apparently Amber was once a monster too. But like the princess, she always smiles. And the new girl too, Dolce. She was a monster. I wonder who was the hardest to fight. Me, Amber, or Dolce.

The stupid Dwarf is so annoying. Doug calls me gelding or horse face. That guy really gets on my nerves...

And she always teases me about it! Saying things like 'the horse and the rider don't get along' or 'like a lover's quarrel?' This girl...

She brought me sashimi today though, so I won't complain. Hopefully she'll stop calling me horse...


She works so hard and still finds time for me. That makes me really happy. Today we fished together. Everything has finally calmed down. No more monsters, no more problems. I still don't have my memory, but it's okay.

I'm happy with my new life. My new friends. My new family. I never thought I would feel this happy, but I am. And it's all thanks to her I think. She makes me happy.

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