A Little Longer(Vishnal x Frey)

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Vishnal slipped into the room quietly, trying not to make much noise. He expected to be walking into a dark room. His precious wife was usually asleep at this time. Of course he was coming home an hour later than he usually did, so it makes sense that when he opened the door he saw her frowning at him from the bed.

"Welcome home, sweetie," she said, a sad smile on her lips as she spoke. He immediately started to grow guilty, though he had done nothing wrong.

How could he just leave her here for so long? They always went to sleep together. How could he expect Frey to sleep on her own? She was a worrier just as much as he was, and he should've known better.

As Vishnal stood in the doorway, mentally criticizing himself, Frey walked over to him. Just as he had gotten to the point about calling himself a bad butler, she put her hand on his chest, causing his heart to beat rapidly.

They were married now, but Vishnal couldn't help but get flustered around her. They had only gotten married recently, but he should learn to compose himself more. Perhaps he could ask Leon how he kept his cool so easily...

"Why are you so late today?" She asked quietly. Quickly, he took her hands and held them in his own, bowing his head.

"I'm so sorry, Princess! I was with the others, and they told me to stay just a bit longer, and before I knew it, it was late..."

"The others? Like Margaret and Clorica? " She asked. Vishnal paled.

'Oh no. Oh, Lady Ventuswill, wherever you are, please help me! Frey thinks I'm cheating on her!' He thought sadly.

"No! I was with Arthur and Leon..." She nodded, starting to walk back to the bed, pulling her hands from his grip.

"Princess, you know that I would never--"

"Let's go to bed, Vishnal," she said.

She pulled the covers over her head as Vishnal changed into his pajamas and crawled into the bed beside her. He looked down at her sadly. He would never be unfaithful... Vishnal thought his feelings for Frey had been clear. They were married after all! How could he ever cheat on her?!

Suddenly, Frey wrapped her arms around Vishnal, clutching his shirt in her hands.

"I was worried you had gotten hurt, and I couldn't sleep... You never come home this late, so I assumed something had happened to you..." He looked at her in surprise, but she noticed him staring, and hid her face.

"I know it's silly, and I know you can take care of yourself, but..." She trailed off as Vishnal began to laugh. He laughed and pulled her close to him as a wave of relief washed over him.

"Oh, Princess..." He laughed again, gently stroking her head.

"I thought that you were accusing me of cheating when you mentioned Clorica," he said.

"Cheating? Why would you think that?" She frowned. A light blush appeared on both of their cheeks when he spoke again.

"I don't know. But I don't ever want you to worry about that, Princess. You're the only one I could ever love. I'd never want to be with anyone else." Frey blushed.

"Sweetie, you're so blunt..." she mumbled, nuzzling her face into his neck. He chuckled sheepishly, his blush matching hers.

"Am I?" he asked quietly. She closed her eyes, smiling.

"Yeah... Tomorrow, will you stay with me?" Vishnal continued to stroke her hair.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"It's just... Every morning, you're already out of bed. I just want..." She yawned.

"To spend more time with you..." He smiled, closing his eyes.

"Of course I'll stay with you, Frey..." The two of them, now feeling satisfied, fell into a comfortable sleep.


The next morning, Frey opened her eyes, feeling unusually warm and comfortable. To her surprise, Vishnal was still asleep beside her, holding her against his chest. He had a goofy smile on his face.

"Good morning, Vishnal," she whispered, gently stroking his cheek. He was so cute!

Her blue haired husband was a clumsy one. It wasn't like him to wake up late. She wondered why he had thought she was accusing of him of cheating... Perhaps he thought he had looked suspicious when he was walking in.

She knew he was better than that. He was the most devoted person she knew. Everyday he treated her so wonderfully. He made her fall in love with him everyday. Frey even ate the failed dishes he made for her lunch, just because she appreciated the effort. She loved him more than anyone else in the world.

"Mm... Frey?" She blushed when Vishnal spoke her name. She was so used to him calling her Princess that she forgot what it felt like when he called her by name.

"I'm sorry... I didn't wake you up..." He rested his forehead against hers. Vishnal smiled down at her as her cheeks grew red. Softly, his fingers brushed across her face.

"It's okay, sweetie," she said. Vishnal yawned. Frey closed her eyes, enjoying how it felt to be next to him; how it felt to have his fingers tickling her cheek. She opened her eyes as he pulled his hand away. He began to get up, and she frowned.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I need to start getting to work..." Frey grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the bed.

"Not yet," she said.

"But, Princess..."

"Just stay with me a little bit longer."


Wow. This one wasn't all that good, but whatever! It was cheesy, but I still hope you guys liked it!

I'm still waiting for any requests, so when one of you has an idea, let me know!

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