Like a Woman (Leon x Frey)

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Leon and Frey were supposed to go on a date, but at the moment, Frey was waiting, and Leon was with another woman.

Frey sighed as she watched Leon mess with Forte. He was her boyfriend, and she did trust him, but she couldn't help but get jealous as he watched him mess with Forte the same way he messed with Frey.

Not that she liked being tickled and teased all hours of the day by her "loving" boyfriend, but still. Especially when she knew that Forte had a small crush on Leon(not that Forte would ever admit that, but the blush on her cheeks when he's around makes it obvious). Frey thought that Forte was prettier than her and looked more mature than Frey did. She couldn't help but wonder if Leon felt he same.

They were supposed to go on a date today, and if Leon was late, she would really let him have it! She was tired of him treating her like a child. She was a woman just as much as anyone else in town was!

Leon began to walk over to her and she tried to calm herself down before he reached her.

"You're early," he said, smiling. She nodded, looking at her feet. She was still a bit upset, and she wasn't quite ready to forgive him yet. He'd just have to prove it that he loved her more than any other girl.

"Well, lead the way. Carnation's right?" She frowned.

"Actually, can we just walk around town today?" He blinked, but nodded. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

Leon was surprised by her change in destination, but he let her lead him around. He noticed that every time another woman would walk by, her grip on his hand would tighten. And when they passed by Forte she nearly crushed his hand.

She was a small girl, but she had the power to defeat an army of monsters by herself. There was a lot of strength in those tiny hands of hers, and he was beginning to feel it. He bent down behind her and whispered her name in her ear.

She jumped in surprise, a blush appearing on her cheeks as she looked back at him. Her grip on his hand was no longer turning his bones in to dust.

"D-did you need something?" she asked. Leon shook his head.

"Nothing at all," he said.

"O-oh. Okay then," she said. She turned away from him again, fanning her face lightly with her hand. He tapped his chin, smiling. That was an enjoyable reaction. Perhaps he should do things like that more often...

"Leon," she said, beginning to turn around. She stopped abruptly when she realized Leon's face was barely an inch away from hers. She pulled away in surprise, staring up at him.

"Yes?" he asked.

"U-um..." She cleared her throat then took a deep breath.

"We need to talk," she said. He raised his eyebrows.

"Alright," he said.

"Um... Can we talk in my room?" she asked. She wanted a bit of privacy when she talked to him about it.

"Oh, I see. So we're going to 'talk' in your room," Leon said, smiling. She knew what he was implying but she really just wanted to talk.

"Yes, Leon. We're going to talk and nothing else," she said.

"In your bedroom," Leon said. Frey sighed, ignoring the warm feeling on her cheeks and dragging him to the castle.

"I didn't know you were this type of girl, Frey," he said.

'Woman, not girl,' she thought.

"I'm not!" she snapped. He raised his free hand in surrender.

"No need to get upset," he said, pinching her cheek. She glared at him, and he released her.

Leon began to wonder if she was really upset with him, and this talk had something to do with it. Perhaps he had taken the teasing too far... But it had never bothered her before... Perhaps this talk was a lot more serious than he originally thought it would be.

They entered her room, and Frey sat on the bed. Leon did the same.

"Leon, do you think I'm just a child?" She asked.

"Well, sometimes you act like a child, but you're definitely not one. You're a beautiful woman, Frey," he said, placing his hand over her own.

'What a convenient time to act charming! How I am I supposed to stay mad at you now!' Frey thought angrily. She pouted.

"Do you prefer other women over me?" she asked quietly.

"And why would you think that?" he asked, moving closer to her. He had to continue this, no matter what she asked or said. He had a plan, and he wasn't going to let it fail because of a few worries that Frey shouldn't even have.

Of course he didn't want another woman over her. There was no other woman like her, and no other woman could capture his heart like she did. Not even... Well, his past is another story.

"You always hang out with Forte instead of me. I saw you with her right before our date!" She exclaimed. Leon moved closer.

"You are with Dylas and Vishnal all hours of the day, but I don't worry if you prefer other men over me," he said. A lie. Of course he worries about that, but this was not a good time to say that, seeing as he was trying to get her to not worry.

"But how can I not worry? I just... I want you to treat me like a woman, Leon! I want you to treat me better than all the others. I want you to actually treat me like I'm your girlfriend. Sometimes I feel like we've started dating but our relationship stayed the same..." Slowly, Leon wrapped his arms around her, and she blushed.

"You have no faith in me," he whispered. He kissed her softly, then pulled away and laid her down on the bed. He held himself over her, looking down at her adorable state. Frey bit her lip, blushing furiously as she stared up at him.


"But, as you wish, I will definitely treat you like a woman tonight," he said. Leon leaned down, put his hands at her sides and... Began relentlessly tickling her.

"Leon, you jerk!"


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