My Sun(Lest x Amber)

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Lest entered Carnation's for the fifth time that week. Today Amber was leaning against the desk, looking completely bored. When she noticed him enter, she peeked up instantly.

"Good morning!" she exclaimed happily. He smiled over at her.

"Good morning, Amber," he said, examining all the flower seeds they had for sale. He'd been collecting flower seeds and planting them at his various farms. She launched herself at him, nearly tackling the man to the ground.

"What are you looking for?" she asked, ignoring his exasperated expression. He was about to remind her that he had told her not to do that many times before, but he just sighed and continued looking, one arm around her shoulder to keep them both steady.

"I was thinking about getting a flower for someone, but I don't know what kind they'd like," he said. She paused from trying to soak up his warmth by pressing herself closer to look up at him as he took a step away.

She'd been really... touchy feely lately and Lest would be lying if he said he wasn't beginning to feel embarrassed about it. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that it was getting colder and he was for some reason always quite warm...

"You're going to plant it and give it to them?" Amber asked, looking at the seeds he'd been staring at. He nodded.

"Well, I would look for ones that are good for winter, not summer if I were you," she said. He took a step away from the flower seeds sheepishly, looking around the shop.

"Well, I have farms in places that stay warm even in winter, so I could still plant them..." he grumbled, trying to defend himself for his ignorance.

"Places that stay warm in winter?!" Amber exclaimed. She flapped her wings in excitement.

"You should take me the next time you go!!" She grinned at him, bouncing up and down excitedly on the balls of her feet. He smiled down at her.

"I will. Now then, what's your favorite flower?" Lest asked. She paused from her excitement.

"My favorite? But I like them all!"

"Try to pick one. J-just so I can get one for someone I mean..." He was blushing now, but Amber didn't notice.

"Hmm... I like the emery flower!" she said. He nodded, looking around the store. He frowned when he couldn't see it. She giggled.

"We don't have it for sale here! It's really rare and takes 120 days to grow!" His mouth dropped open, and he stared at her in shock.

"Rare.... 120 days..." Amber nodded.

"But I'm sure that whoever you give a flower too would be happy no matter what kind it is!" she said quickly. He nodded with a sigh, patting her shoulder as he began to leave.

"Thanks anyway, Amber." He paused at the door, looking over his shoulder back at her.

"Do you know where I can get it?" he asked. She tapped her chin, thinking.

"I think if you defeat a certain monster in a certain cave it might drop it!" He sighed heavily, waving goodbye as he walked out the door.

Amber felt her antennae drop when the door closed and she walked back over her desk. She shivered. Without him there it was cold again.


Lest awoke sometime late that night, groggy and unsure of where he was and how he got there. He blinked up at the unfamiliar ceiling for a moment. His body was sore and wrapped in bandages. He looked around and saw that he was in the clinic. Dolce was asleep on the bottom of the stairs, a half knitted scarf in her lap.

He vaguely remembered searching his storage box for a little while before getting angry and storming through various caves as a way to blow off some steam.

How did he end up here?

He sat up and winced, the bed creaking underneath him. The noise woke up Dolce and she sat upright, her eyes tired as she turned to look at him.

"How much?" he asked quietly, not wanting to wake up Nancy and Dr. Jones. She simply shrugged, meaning that Nancy had been the one who took care of his injuries. She always let him go free of charge. That was good too, since he'd been spending all his money on flower seeds lately.

He sighed, thinking about the emery flower. He wished he'd been able to get it for her. Even if he found the seeds, there was no way he'd be able to take care of it for 120 days...

"She won't care," Dolce said, standing up slowly with a quiet yawn. He looked over at her with wide eyes, but she just walked up the stairs.

"You talk in your sleep," she said. He blushed, embarrassed and worried about what kinds of things he said in his sleep. Slowly, he left the clinic, hoping that Amber really wouldn't care about not getting her favorite flower....

He shook his head, heading over to the airship to check on his farm. He'd been planning this day for awhile now. The lack of one flower wasn't going to change the rest of his plans!


Amber woke up the next morning to see Illuminata standing over her bed, examining a trail of pink cats leading down the stairs.

"Quite the mystery..." she mumbled. Amber's eyes lit up, picking up the flowers as she walked down, nibbling on one as she followed the trail. She skipped through the door and saw Lest standing there, blushing furiously as he stared down at the ground. He held a flower in his hand that matched all the ones in Amber's arm.

"D-do you want to come with to that warm place? I know how much you like the sun..." He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eye, but she nodded excitedly.

"Let's go!" She smiled at him and when he glanced up at her, he smiled back.

They headed over to the airship together, people occasionally squealing or whistling as the passed by(mostly Margaret and Doug), embarrassing Lest even more. Amber was thoroughly enjoying herself, her antennae pointed at the blond male.

He took her to his farm in silence. Neither of them uttered a word until they arrived. All the flowers were in full bloom, various colors and types scattered among the plots of land. Amber gasped then practically threw herself into his makeshift garden, breathing in the warm air and flowery fragrance.

"It's so pretty!" she exclaimed. He smiled and nodded, his eyes on her, not the flowers.

"Really pretty," he replied. Without warning, she ran over to him and wrapped him in a tight hug. He'd been expecting it this time, and he held her tightly in response.

"Do you like it?" he asked nervously. She looked up at him and beamed.

"Of course I do!"

"I really wanted to get you your favorite flower, but I..." Amber giggled at him and he looked up, surprised.

"It's okay! Besides, my favorite thing is already here!" He frowned.

"But I..."

"The sun, silly!" He looked up at squinted at the bright light in the sky.

"Yeah it is pretty sunny here," he said.

"I mean you! You're my sun, Lest. My antennas always lead me to the sun and they always lead me to you!" He blushed but smiled.

"In that case, you're my sun too..."


I didn't know if it was antennae or antennas so.... yeah.... Also if they're OOC I'm sorry... I haven't played in a while and Amber and Lest are characters I don't know much about :/

Well, I hope you guys liked it!

I think next is Kiel x Frey and Kiel x Lest...

Unfortunately, expect a long wait as usual. Requests are always welcome, and I don't mind doing the same character multiple times. See you next time!

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