Typhoon(Dylas x Frey)

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Frey sat in her bedroom, the storm raging outside, and she was glad she had eaten before the rain had begun to pour down heavily. She knew some of her crops were going to be ruined in the morning. More weeds to remove. More seeds to plant. More errands to run. That's all she ever seemed to do these days.

Work, run an errand. Help with someone else's problems. She wanted to save Venti, but how could she when she was busy finding herbs and planting corn? She really couldn't blame Arthur for letting her take all the work. It must've been a load off of his shoulders now that she did the job that he was originally supposed to have.

Not that she was complaining... Much... She knew just how lucky she was. Not everyone falls from the sky onto a dragon's back and becomes a princess. But she couldn't help but think that it was all so overwhelming. She had to watch all of her farms, help the citizens, make sure everything in Selphia was running smoothly.

She had all these things to do, but she couldn't do the things she wanted to do the most. She wanted Venti back. She wanted to save her best friend. And she was trying her hardest between all of the other little jobs she had to do. But all of her efforts were for nothing. One moment she'd be fired up and ready to go, then she'd be fighting her hardest, and the monster is halfway weakened, and then... She's back in the hospital with incredibly high fees, just wondering how long it had taken them to find her lying unconscious in a room full of monsters.

She didn't particularly want anyone to go after her. If anyone should go risk their lives, it should be her because out of everyone, she was the one who mattered least, right? Everyone had been a part of Selphia their entire lives. If she was killed, they'd mourn, then Arthur would take over like he was supposed to do in the first place, then move on. It's what they would have to do.

But if it was someone like Leon, whose ties began years before she was even born, who was lost... Then it would be like Venti all over again. Those kinds of people carried the spirit of Selphia with them and she couldn't stand to see them hurt.

That was the whole point of going off and doing all the hard work all on her own. So no one else would get hurt.

And if it was Dylas who was going after her and getting hurt? If the man she loved was going out and risking his life in situations she never got out of unharmed? If he actually got seriously hurt from doing that? She'd never forgive herself.

This was why she hated typhoons. It was one of the few things that she actually despised. It was because she was stuck inside. She had nothing to do but sit and think and it made her think all of these horrible, negative thoughts. She hated it.

She wanted to get rid of all of the negative thoughts, so she stood up and walked out of her bedroom as quietly as possible so as not to alert her butlers. She didn't wish to disturb them.

Outside was slightly worse than she thought it would be, but it wasn't the first time she had walked around outside during a typhoon. What she needed was to be with someone right now, and if that meant walking through the rain, then so be it.

The rain and the wind restricted her movements, and she was constantly wiping the water from her eyes, but the walk to Porco's restaurant wasn't long. Soon she was at the door, but when she tugged at the handles, she found that they were locked. She was confused by this. It made sense to lock the doors in such a strong storm, but she always visited Dylas during the typhoons. Whenever she came, the doors were always unlocked. She knocked a few times with no answer, and she decided to just sit on the ground outside the door.

A Series of Rune Factory 4 One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now