Help?-High School AU (Kiel x Frey)

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Kiel nervously shuffled his feet as he stood in front of the front doors of Selphia High School, his schedule and school map clutched tightly in his hands. His older sister Forte had been at the school for a few years, but Kiel was fresh out of middle school and had read many, many books about what scary upperclassmen did to little nervous freshman kids like him. And he wasn't sure if he was ready for all that. Forte had marched through the doors without a care in the world, and she probably thought Kiel was right behind her, but he was still standing outside, frozen.

He was being stupid, and he knew it, but his hands were shaking, and it was like his feet were glued to the ground.

Oh, man, and he'd had so many high hopes over the summer. He was going to be part of the book club, and maybe try out fencing since his big sister was the president of the "swordsmanship club" which he was surprised existed, and he was finally going to be cool and get a girlfriend, but now he couldn't even step inside—

"Hey. Move."

Kiel nearly jumped at the sound of the low, gruff voice, and jerked his head to look over his shoulder almost mechanically. His eyes grew wide as he took in the group of (mostly) big and intimidating guys that he could only assume were seniors. The one directly behind him wore all black, save for a few blue and red embellishments on his black leather jacket. He had long blue hair, and big menacing eyebrows and yellow piercing eyes that were glaring right down at Kiel. The boy next to him, dressed in jeans and a teal and gold tank top, was even taller, though not quite as mean looking, but he had mischievous blue eyes that peered down at poor little Kiel over the green book that he fanned out to cover the bottom half of his face.

But between the two of them was a girl, dressed in all white, a messenger bag over her shoulder, and her hair tied up in two high, mint green ponytails. She was glaring up at the dark and brooding guy, who she smacked lightly on the arm.

"Oh, come on Dylas! Don't be so mean!"

"He's in the way," Dylas said, still glaring at Kiel.

"Are you a freshman?" the taller boy asked, leaning down towards Kiel, his book still covering his face.

"Um," Kiel began, quickly trying to stand a little taller and look less like a little wimp, "Y-Yeah. I am."

"Oh, really?"

The girl skipped over to Kiel, placing a hand on Dylas's chest and making it look like she just slightly pushed him, though Dylas was sent stumbling back into the other boy as if she'd thrown him.

She smiled at Kiel. His heart skipped a beat.

"Why don't we show you around? You must be so nervous."

"Oh, that would be great! Thank you so much!"

He smiled back at her, and she leaned close to him, looking over his shoulder at his schedule.

"Mmhmm. I know exactly where to take you. Just leave it to me!" She grinned at him again, and he felt his own smile growing wider.

An angel, Kiel thought. I've stumbled across an angel.


"Oh, hey, Kiel! Do you want to eat lunch with us?" Frey asked as she happened to pass him by on his way out of the cafeteria.

He'd learned her name when she had led him to class earlier that day, as well as the name of her two followers, Dylas and Leon.

"That would be great!" Kiel said eagerly, and Frey smiled the smile that made Kiel's heart beat like the wings of a hummingbird. He wasn't sure what that feeling in his chest meant. Maybe he'd ask Forte for help understanding it when he got home.

A Series of Rune Factory 4 One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now