Chapter 4: Smells Like Teen Spirit (W)hat?!

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Chapter 4:

As they walked up towards the house Anna wrapped her arms around her slightly chilly body and walked through the front door.

The minute she got into the house a random cute guy looked her up and down.

"Hey." The guy said in a flirty voice.

Anna didn't want to be rude so she smiled at him and continued walking; he followed her into the kitchen.

She looked for sodas, there weren't any so she grabbed a beer and walked off, ignoring him.

"Hey." He said running in front of her and looking her up and down again.

The guy was really cute.

He had jet black hair spiked up and crystal blue eyes. He was wearing blue baggy pants and a red tee shirt with graffiti looking writing on it.

Anna smiled, thinking he would make a perfect match with Monica.

After a few minutes she had finished two beers with the guy, it was gross but it was either that or vodka and she didn't want to get drunk.

She only had beer one other time and it wasn't even a whole bottle.

"Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana came on and Anna gasped.

"I love this song." She said running into the living room.

Anna went to the middle of the room and started dancing.

She was tipsy from the beer and way more confident than usual so she went crazy.

When she was finished and the song ended she walked past the cute guy.

"Mmm." The guy said getting Anna's attention.

She looked at him and looked confused.

"What?" Anna asked curiously.

"You have really nice legs, so, long and tan." The guy said making her feel uncomfortable.

Anna looked down at the floor shyly and he walked closer to her.

He gently grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

She was leaning against a desk and he was standing in front of her in her way.

He took a step back and took a swig of his beer he was holding in his big masculine hands.

"So what's your name?" He asked her.

"Anna." She said, smiling.

"That's a pretty name, I'm Garret." He said.

"I have an idea, come with me." Garret said taking her hand and walking into the kitchen.

She stood there awkwardly and he pulled vodka out of the freezer.

A cold breeze blew at her and she smiled.

She was hot from the dancing and from the alcohol.

"You want to do some shots with me?" Garret asked filling the red solo cups with vodka.

Anna nodded slowly, in agreement even though she didn't really want to.

He handed her a cup and he explained what she had to do, like she didn't know!

After swallowing down the burning substance that gave her instant heart burn she started coughing.

It was her first time drinking vodka.

Garret laughed and grabbed hold of her waist.

He leaned in and kissed her.

She just stood there for a minute confused and then opened her eyes and pulled away.

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